Chrylight is Alright 838 members · 139 stories
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I'll take 5 but don't cross it off until I post as I have to study and stuff and it might not get done.:trollestia:

everything is so quiet in here... *taps microphone* Hellllllooooooo?

Quick question, was the prompt Five for the next special?

Yeah nothing came of it if you have an idea go for it!

There's still time before the next special, but I'll take it and see if I can writing something.

Well, 4440121 did want to nab it, but she said not to cross it off (did it anyway and marked it tentative— whoops :twilightoops:), so I guess you two can either debate or both take it. *shrug*

I'll concede the prompt if Cupcake_Swirl wants it still although duplicate entries are not unusual, but I'll let Cupcake_Swirl decide.

4338090 Might be taking insanity... Don't know how much it's going to take.

Five is finished, with way too much formatting.
Prompt: Five

Changeling Invade the International Conference?: The Return of a Lost Race, Why Did They Come?

At the biennial International Conference between allied nations, Changelings barged into the rom just as the meeting was beginning. The lead Changeling who was flanked by a pair of armoured Changelings announced the arrival of their representative.

The representative in question was introduced as Hive Queen Chrysalis of the Western Desert Ridge who was serving as the representative for the Changeling Collective. Hive Queen Chrysalis was quickly identified by presiding Guards as the Changelings who led the failed Invasion of Canterlot more than two years ago.

An attempt was made to arrest the Changeling Hive Queen yet a stern word from Princess Celestia of Equestria stalled the procedures and allowed the Changeling to remain. However she would be subjected to questioning once the Conference was over and would be accompanied by armed Guards of the allied nations.

It became apparent as the conference progressed why the exiled race had made such a bold appearance at a closed international event as unexpectedly Hive Queen Chrysalis made herself a part of the ongoing procedures. The Changeling Collective were seeking better terms amongst the allied nations and in sending a convicted criminal was seen by the leaders as a gesture for the terms of surrender.

The Changeling Collective proclaimed before the gathered leaders the loss of their Hives and their Swarms largely by the ongoing settlement infringing on Hive lands. Those settled on Hive lands would in turn chase out the settled Changelings, although unconfirmed was that the Changeling Collective reportedly mentioned some more extreme measures had been taken in a few cases.

After the conference Hive Queen Chrysalis herself was questioned before the gathered leaders with Princess Celestia leading the proceedings. After much deliberation and discussion among the allied leaders a decision was made. The verdict was that the Changeling Collective would be forgiven for past faults and aid would be provided along with lands for their exiled Hives to settle.

Stronger Ties Between the Changeling Collective and the Realm of Equestria: Forgiveness and Hope, a New Era of Co-Operation

Today marks a new era between the two nations, the Realm of Equestria and the Changeling Collective had been on uneasy terms since the failed Invasion led by one of the Hive Queens almost three years ago.

Representatives of both nation have signed the finalized the treaty which is the result of months of work. The treaty is seen by leaders of both nations as a chance to begin anew, with both forgiveness for past transgressions and co-operation for a better future for both nations.

The First Equestrian Hive, Where Is It?: Progress Towards Closer Ties

Yesterday the Tiarchs announced at a press conference that after much deliberation with various towns and cities a site has been chosen for the first Hive to relocate onto Equestrian soil. The location in question is a large grove of trees just outside of Ponyville. The grove is located some miles from the town and far from the dangerous Everfree Forest.

Which Hive will be resettling on Equestrian soil was not announced at the press conference, yet we should start seeing more Changelings around Ponyville in the weeks to come.

Royal Wedding, A Union of Nations: Crown Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria to be wed to Hive Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Collective

Today is a day of celebration as Crown Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria weds Hive Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Collective in a large ceremony just outside of Ponyville, a small country town home to the Royal Couple.

The Royal couple announced their relationship rather publically nearly two years ago. In short, the couple appeared before the International Conference and made it clear to all of their relationship. Also of note is that in the wake of this announcement was the growing number of Pony and Changeling couples.

But for today we wish for nothing, but the best for the couple and for many years together.

Crown Princess Twilight Sparkle and Hive Queen Chrysalis Welcomes New Members of the Family

In a short statement from Canterlot Castle, we have confirmation of the healthy birth of twins from the Royal Couple. At this point the staff at Canterlot Castle have not provided more details nor have they confirmed the names or species of the twins, only to mention that one was male and other was female.

She smiled as she carefully placed the newspaper clipping in the scrapbook, the twins had been born only a few days before and she and her wife couldn’t be happier. Speaking of her wife and the babies, she knew her wife would be bringing them around to meet her soon. It would nice to finally return home.

(GDocs Link)
Formatting and lots of it. So that's the new prompt.

New Prompt: Format

4466773 Took me way too long to get to it, but I finally read this. I really liked it! Good job! :twilightsmile:

Thank you, glad you liked it. Also do you mind if I could some feedback about this one regarding the format? I wasn't sure if the format I chose would make the story difficult to read.

4510181 If you mean the whole thing about doing it in newspaper clippings, I thought that was clever. :twilightsmile:

I can't even remember my idea for 5 now :derpytongue2:

Sorry everyone this collab is not dead i've just been in lots of pain!
Update being posted tomorrow

4534619 Are you okay? I mean obviously not but I'll keep you in my prayers! I hope you feel better!

Thanks i'm working on it ^^

Foals, this happened in Skype, but I think it goes here. I'd pick a prompt, but I have no idea what this would fit.
I claim Home Run

Twilight Sparkle, magical genius extraordinaire has joined forces Queen Chrysalis to form the Equestrian Wonder Twins Crime Fighting Force. With their amazing powers of transformation they defeat evil and generally pester Celestia!

On today's chilling episode: Hot Soup with a side of....crackers!

Evil waits on no pony. It is always active, always scheming, but not always so salty! Today evil takes the form of lightly salted saltine crackers! Crackers that have been soaked in the hot broth of villainy! Crackers that are about to infect their reduced sodium blasphemy upon none other than Celestia, Princess of Equestria!

Twilight Sparkle gasped. "Quick, Chrysalis! We must stop this travesty!"

Queen Chrysalis nodded. "If she eats that it make her retain less water, shrinking her ass and thereby reducing all the love for it from the populace I get a contact buzz off!"

The Wonder Twins of Equestria hoofbumped. Twilight yelled. "Form of an arcane torcano! It's like mixing a volcano and a tornado, with magic!"

Chrysalis yelled. "Form of a horsecock dildo!"

Twilight stopped in whirling, molten tracks and looked back. "Again? Thats like, the only shape you ever take!"

"So?" The dildo flopped onto the floor and rolled a few inches.

"So how are we supposed to do stuff with you like that?"

"I dunno. Throw me at Celestia's face!"

4545765 Well... :rainbowderp: that happened...
So wait, are you creating the "Home Run" prompt for the list or using that as the prompt for what you just posted? I don't really see how "Home Run" has anything to do with that chuckle-inducer, so I'm assuming the former.

Let's go with me creating the prompt. That works

Hey guys, what's going on in this thr-?

Never mind.


I think you just won at collabs forever.

I win at all collabs.


True dat. :raritywink:

You gonna join us in the depraved realms of NSFW Twysalis?

You get it going and I will write something for it. Can't promise much, but I'm sure I can come up with the lewds for Twi and bugbutt

So is this gonna continue, or has everyone jumped ship to the NSFW collab?

Don't count it dead yet. I'm not jumping ships to the NSFW collab, just busy and on vacation. I'll see about taking something soon and get this rolling again.

4596102 Sounds good. I'd take one myself, but I've got other stuff I'm working on.

4338090 Tasty Murder was my idea too...:fluttercry:

Alright. So, I can't come up with any ideas based on what is currently in the list or my current prompt that Foals and I were working on together... soooo I am going to continue one of my other prompts. One of those that people asked me to continue. Remember Overripe Bananas? Nobody know's how chrysalis got pregnant... but I do now. Remember Dampened? Nobody knows what happened next in that one either... But I figured it out. So long story short I noticed that this thread is somewhat dead, and I with either feels or my over the top oddballishness I will breathe new life into it. If one of you responds to this message. I am rather busy with work and other stories, but I REALLY love this thread and I don't want it to end. Just show me you don't either. Cause frankly you guys were a big part of why I joined in on this.

4643079 i cant write pc is dead

4643079 Go for it! I'm too busy - and scatterbrained, mostly scatterbrained - to contribute, but it's always good to see more.

I don't think it's dead. Foals has simply had a bad time the last few weeks with a shoulder injury(I think, I could be wrong) and food poisoning on top of that.

Oh and then she got married.

So...not dead, the host has just been busy.

4643108 Hence "somewhat dead". lol. I read that, but I also noticed that there were no comments for about two weeks.
4643089 Makes sense. Same happened to me for a LONG while.
4643106 And so I shall... as soon as I remember my inspiration for it...

4643079 I've honestly been avoiding new prompts because I'm trying to focus on the stuff I'm already writing. That, and I've been doing summer schoolwork. And regular school is starting again in a couple weeks. :facehoof:
But I don't want the thread to die, either. :fluttershysad:

Dampened Pt. 2 Sad, Dark

Chrysalis stumbled through the Palace of Friendship, lost in her own despair. Twilights friends had abandoned her weeks ago in favor of sitting beside their friend each day as she lay in the hospital feeding tubes and a breathing apparatus making her look more like an alien and less like the mare that had warmed her heart. The same questions continued to pour through her mind, and this time she spoke them aloud to the deadened echoing halls of the home that seemed as empty as her heart. "Why? Why Twilight and not me? Or somepony else? What did I do to deserve this kind of pain? What could she have done?!" Chrysalis was now screaming louder than she thought she could, but she didn't stop. "WHAT IN THE NAME OF TARTARUS AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?!! HOW CAN I KEEP GOING LIKE THIS?! HOW CAN SHE?! WHAT THE BUCK IS STRONG ENOUGH TO KEEP HER CLINGING TO SUCH A FRAGILE STATE!!!? WHY DO WE HAVE TO SUFFER SOO MUCH WHIST EVERYPONY ELSE JUST FEELS BAD ABOUT IT?!"

Unbeknownst to her, Celestia was standing in the entrance to the hall she was in tears streaming down her face as she wept at Chrysalis' pain. Someone so new to love going through the kind of pain she herself had recently experienced with her own other half. Her student suffered and her student's wife was basically incapacitated as well. She was brought from her reverie by near strangled scream of Chrysalis' next words, "AND WHY AM I TOO AFRAID TO END IT!!?" And with that Chrysalis broke down simply slumping to the floor as she wept. Celestia's covered her mouth at these revealing words from her friend. Had she tried to...? Yes, she could see the marks on her chitin left from the tight rope that had been around her neck, possibly only minutes before she had come here. Celestia knew she needed to act, NOW. Given enough time, whatever was holding Chrysalis back from her dark deed would disappear. And yet another life would be lost to this tragedy that had befallen those she loved.

"It's not about fear. Not all of it anyway, it is about hope. You are still hoping that with the love you and Twilight share, you will escape the cruel fate that has been given to you. And as far as the fear part goes, you are afraid that WHEN Twilight comes out of whatever has happened to her, if you aren't here she might make the same mistake. And you don't want her to die, by your hooves or another's."

"Alright, *sniff* let's say you are correct. *sniff* How much hope is there Celestia?! How well has the interrogation been going hmm?! Exactly what have the doctors found out about her condition?!" Chrysalis asked "You are likely right about the fear part of it, but show me where the hope is in this." Chrysalis stared down Celestia with the kind of rage one might expect from a griffon looking at the creature that destroyed their chicks.

And eventually Celestia hung her head... before speaking again. "I can't do this in front of anypony else they all look up to me, they need me to be strong and hopeful... but maybe in front of you... I will be safe. T-Twilight..." Celestia's voice began to warble and shake as she continued, "Twilight is the cl-closest thing t-to a daughter that I have... I miss h-her s-s-soo much..." And with those words, she collapsed to the floor, and began to weep just as hard as Chrysalis before her. Chrysalis looked on in awe as the single most powerful alicorn broke down and sobbed like a foal in front of her. Chrysalis' eyes began to water as she picked up the weeping immortal in her magic and carried her to what was once her and Twilight's bed. And as she laid her down on Twilights pillow she seemed to stop crying as she smelled the last remants of her student's- no. Her surrogate daughter's scent. But that hardly mattered, the pillow would need to be washed soon anyway. It was now dampened by two sets of tears.

Word Count: 699

I have another idea for it, but I think I will leave this as is for now. Make it into a trilogy of sorts when I get the time, this weekend.

4643248 I hear you guys on that stuff. summer classes registering for fall, new job, life can be hell sometimes.

4643310 i wanted to write so many stuff during sunmer...

Tbh i treat these prompts as exercises but the fact that Magnum Opus dissonance occurs compared to my other fics is ridiculous and sorta pisses me off.

4643326 Same here. But this is an awesome way to build on that. As well as the other prompt tag collabs. Join all you can and ask for help when you are done with a prompt. Plus you make more friends. It's kinda win win.

4643360 hmmm i do use it to prepare for actual fics i use my headcanon in. And friends are always nice.

Not Dead I promise just in lots of pain and waiting to see a surgeon. So yeah I'll see about getting my prompt Tasty Murder done sometime this week when i'm awake. Muscle relaxers knock me flat. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

4643439 Exactly. Only one of my stories is close to 100 likes, and that was a one-shot clopfic. lol I get it, kinda discouraging but overall worthwhile. Hell, I'd have never written tragedy if not for these. Now I can add more depth to my stories. Look for the little benefits, rather than the massive ones.

4643453 Sounds like either a torn rotator cuff or hyper-elasticity. Been there before, my deepest sympathies. In all seriousness. Hope it gets better. And yes I know I have the same prompt as well. I am however sick. VERY VERY, sick. Hence on here and not at work. :rainbowlaugh:


I haven't forgotten about this; I'm just find creativity something of a struggle at the moment, but I will do something again eventually.


Hope you feel better soon, Queenie. :twilightsmile:

Not dead, as I said above I will be taking a prompt soon, but I just wrapped up my annual week-long summer camping trip and so I'll try grabbing something probably sometime this week.

4643453 I'm back from my exams and I'm going back to writing this Twysalis thing. I'm trying a bit of different view on "insanity". More like the insanity of being in an "Alice in Wonder/Nightmare land".


However there's a catch. It's not "actual" insanity but more like insane rules of the world/insanely beautiful.

4775751 well good luck with that, from what I can see it is well done and very good.

4775751 Been a while since I've come back to this thread and updated the list. Just saw this now.
There were a couple of tiny tweaks I would have suggested, but they were minor. The concept is great. Please tell me you intend to continue this.

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