Love and Tolerate 819 members · 6,324 stories
Comments ( 142 )
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Group Admin

This is the thread for you to get all the frustration out of your system.

*Note: Cursing is allowed here, so long as it isn't directed at a group member.*

Even a place to vent!? this group is awsome!:heart:

So first of all, i think i have the most hated story on FIMfiction with 5 likes and 71 DISLIKES and if thats not bad enough i got 87 COMMENTS FULL OF HATE!!!!(granted, there are a handful of people that were nice)

And to be honest, this doesn't really bother me much. Instead of being sad or mad about this, i was mainly just surprised that so many bronies would want to beat me down for their own satisfaction. So its kind of funny to me that so many people have nothing better to do than to bash someone on their FIRST FANFIC THEY EVER WROTE. (not to mention no one has a sense of humor):rainbowhuh:

Stuff like that i can just shrug off, But a few comments on page really ticked me off. I start getting mad when people think their "the big hero" when they talk crap about me and my stories. I wrote my stories with my heart and soul and they have the nerve to tear it up and think their the good guys!? That doesn't make any sense! is it wrong for me to dream!? is it wrong to strive to get better!? What kind of mindset are you in to think your doing the right thing!? Everyone deserves a chance to grow and to learn and explore! Anyone that says otherwise is not a hero.:flutterrage:

So what did i do to dirt bags like these? i ignored them. simple as that. As Tom says, "always, always, ignore the haters, we all deserve better."

So all in all, im continuing to write this story that everyone hates. Why? Because i like my story and thats the only reason i need to continue writing. You write because you want to, not because of how popular you get.

Anyway, Thanks for letting me rant! AND THANK YOU FOR READING THIS!!!! :yay:

Group Admin

455998 Good on ya bro. The one thing that every fandom has in no exception no matter what you do and no matter where you go, there will always be people who like to bash others and hate. that is a givin. Although it makes me upset to know even the MLP fandom has haters within the fandom itself.

that is the human race as a whole and nothing can change that. But what is important is for the ones who do have moral and actually practice the Love and Tolerate moto to keep going no matter what because remember even a drop of water and douse a roaring fire if used just right.:heart::heart:

Thanks man! that means alot to me!:twilightsmile::pinkiesmile::ajsmug::pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

Group Admin

456056 I've went through stuff like that before. Oh and i've seen fics with 80+ dislikes before i knew you soooo not quite as bad eh?


So first of all, i think i have the most hated story on FIMfiction. . .

It may seem that way, but you're a long ways from being most hated. Take these gems, for example:
story - this hasn't even been posted for an entire day yet
King of Equestria - I haven't personally read this one, but 211 dislikes? ouch, I can feel the hurt from where I'm sitting.

There's more out there, these are just a couple examples that I could come up with right off-hand.

I notice that your story was descended upon by the TWE back when we were nothing more than a loosely associated amalgamation of assholes. We've really cleaned up our act in recent weeks and now we're an organized pack of assholes that actually leave constructive feedback. Unfortunately, the past can't be changed, but we are trying really hard to change for the better in order to try to help writers (although, even now, a few of our reviewers tend to get a bit overzealous at times). Hell, I've even had people come to me directly for help after they saw the reviews I leave on some stories.

And congratulations to you for persevering and continuing with the story. Your right; in the end, as long as you enjoy doing what your doing (and it doesn't harm anyone else), that's all that really matters.

I think knighty shouldn't have added the report user feature.


It may seem that way, but you're a long ways from being most hated. Take these gems, for example:
story - this hasn't even been posted for an entire day yet
King of Equestria - I haven't personally read this one, but 211 dislikes? ouch, I can feel the hurt from where I'm sitting.

Dam dude! you guys were right! that really does hurt just looking at them! ouch! :fluttershbad:

And thanks for the support by the way!:twilightsmile:

Do you mean looking at the fiction, the dislikes, or both?

The dislikes and the comments. It was painful.:raritydespair:

So... you felt apathetic about the fiction itself but felt sympathetic/empathetic for the author.

Group Admin

You know, I don't care about dislikes and what not. i got my 2nd dislike on one of my story's. which of course no big deal right? Bu when they don't give a reason why and just dislike without no critiquing at all. That stuff drives me bat shit crazy. I mean really. what the hell? at least tell me why you don't like it. even it its just coz; tell me dammit!

That is all.:unsuresweetie::yay::trollestia:

Yea more or less!:twilightsheepish:

yea people are jerks like that!:twilightangry2:

Group Admin

457850 Yeah, I really do not understand people. especially the so called "Bronys" that hate on people. it makes me want to take a chainsaw to their face!

Btw, since you like Anime ect. you should try to see if my story "A Heros Tale" will interest you.

Hmm sounds interesting! i think i will!:twistnerd:

by the way, check mine too too when you have the time!

Group Admin

458276 I will, mate! Thanks for considering mine :twilightsmile:

I loathe people :twilightangry2:. I was at college yesterday, working in the kitchen (I'm training to be a chef), and some asshole went into the changing rooms and stole my trousers. Seriously. My goddamn trousers. Had to walk home in my chef's gear. Stealing knives or something I can sort of understand, but trousers? HAS THE PLANET GONE MAD??

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Wow. Some people are really petty.

In fact, the other day we had a party at my job. I saw people picking snacks, putting them on their bags and clothes. Of course they only did this when nobody was looking (or they thought nobody was). That really is a pity. :pinkiesick:

Group Admin

463442 That just seems silly.

463460 463458 I know, right? They weren't even good trousers, just 2-year-old jeans >.<

Group Admin

463766 Lol, Noobs! hopefully for you it wasn't som crazy stalker.

Group Admin

The roof at my house needs replacing. Cue day two of 8am to 6pm migraines. :ajsleepy:

Stay at McDonald's for the entire day. Seriously; it works.

Group Admin

Car's in the shop.

Then I guess you could call that...



Group Admin

Well, I've read Moonstuck and Applestuck, so why not? :derpytongue2:

Well, you should read Homestuck in order to understand some of the jokes MS and AS make.
I'll just be every member of the Homestuck fandom here:
YES, it is boring at the start. There's a lot of text in Act 1 and nobody really likes that. They usually quit before the end of Act 1 - and if you manage to get that far you're probably in it for the long run.
If you want to see what all the fuss is about, skip to Act 5 ("Hivebent"). You won't understand shit, but the "Trolls" are

just so fucking kawaii

Group Admin

I tried to find a Twilight Sparkle skin for the Sims 3... this is the BEST one I could find. They got her cutie mark wrong, and she's missing her highlights! Why?? All the other ponies have normal cutie marks. :twilightangry2:

Most of the other so called "Twilight Sparkle" ponies were blank flanks. :facehoof:

Group Admin

My parents have called my interest in MLP: FiM an "unhealthy obsession". They want me to limit any pony related activities to only an hour or two a day, in order to "correct my behavior". Since I live in their house and they pay for everything, I don't have much of a choice. :ajbemused:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


That is a pity. :raritydespair:

Well, at least they will still let you have some time. My father wasn't so understanding. :pinkiesad2:

Group Admin

Do you sneak around and do it then? :rainbowhuh:

Group Admin

484604 Aw, that's a shame. I hope you can convince them otherwise.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Well, yes and no. :twilightsheepish:

Yes... because I avoid looking at Pony when I am near him. He usuallys get pretty mad if he sees it. No... because he never did actually forbid me from watching it. Also my mom is fine with it, so I guess that's a plus on my side. :derpytongue2:

Not story related. Or could be, I dunno.

So, I posted an MLP confession on derpibooru. It generated so much hate, that I can't actually get help understanding why I feel the way I do.

This is the image.

I don't have a problem with fat people, I really don't. But when I do stories, I take pride in the fact that I consider everything about the character before I write about them. I consider that 1. Pinkie is very athletic, 2. Pinkie is always moving about, 3. Pinkie is the same size as her friends, and 4. We've seen fatter ponies than Pinkie. So logically, I conclude that a humanized Pinkie must not be fat. This is why I feel the way I do.

If artists can somehow justify their work, then I don't have a problem with it, but it seems like most are just making Pinkie out to be fat for no other reason than "she shouldn't be thin." I feel the same way about people turning the mane six into lesbians, multi-ethnic humanizations, or any other thing that doesn't make any sense. If the artist can't justify it, then I don't feel they deserve my respect.

I'm not a racist, I don't hate fat people, and I support gay rights. I just want people to think more logically. Yet, people are calling me out to be the ultimate hate machine who just has a problem with fat people. I state my opinion, and I get put down for it, despite the fact I want to discuss it, better understand it, and maybe overcome it. But thanks to Derpibooru users, I'm beginning to lose faith in the fandom.

So I'm on Youtube. Ah, good ol' trusty youtube. What have you got for me today?

Suggested videos:
Because you watched:
Top Ten Brony Songs for November 2012-Community Voted

Needless to say, I wasn't too impressed. :facehoof:

But I clicked on it, to hear what he had to say. In the end, his last point was pretty valid, but the rest of it wasn't too good. So I typed up a response, and at some point, I plan to link him this response. I thought you guys might like hearing what I had to say.

Alright, here are his reasons. I'm going to retroactively look at each statement, and see if it holds down. Keep in mind, my Grammar Nazi mind will be pointing out some corrections along the way, but as you all know, that's just me. Let's start.

Number Ten:

> Bronies will [usually] make themselves clear to the public.

Yes, it's called a "Fandom" for a reason. We're fans of the show, and we're not afraid to show it.

> This always leads to problems.


> Not everyone wants to see the show, it's fanbase, or pony images.

Well, I don't wanna see football teams, it's fans, or it's paraphernalia, but I don't get upset when someone walks up to me wearing a Raven's shirt.

> If someone is unfamiliar with the fandom, like I was at one point, they can get confused with what the images and/or characters really are.

...And? If someone wants to know about it, they're welcome to come up and ask. Besides, I don't know who the hay Tebow is. Should I be upset if someone wears a shirt idolizing him?

Your first point is invalid. Next!

Number Nine:

> Bronies will alias themselves after the show.

Yes, it's called a "fandom."

> A small annoyance is that every other brony has to name themselves after Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, etc.

Well, I'm sure you'd love to alias yourself as "Edward Cullen" if you were a fan of Twilight.

> They also may self proclaim that they are those fictional characters, and act like so.

Oh, let the RPers have their fun. I wouldn't judge you if you went around in a brown coat and fez, and called yourself "The Doctor." Why are you judging bronies when they've done nothing to you?

> Of course, this is most common on MLP websites, even YouTube, but it happens elsewhere where it is not needed.

And those people are either ignored, acknowledged, or banned. People don't need to troll, people don't need to make fantasy football teams on every website, yet they do. You're just singling out bronies as the only ones who do this. Your second point is invalid. What else you got?

Number Eight:

> Another minor annoyance is pony fanart; EVERYTHING must be ponified.

Yes, it's called a "fandom." I've said it several times by now.

> You may be thinking: "Why are you looking at it in the first place?".

Punctuation fail.

> I never wanted to; when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING.

I fail to see the problem. I don't want to see pictures of Cloud and Sephiroth having a yaoi kissing moment, but I am subjected to that horror when I google search FF7.

> Because everything is ponified, it doesn't give me much chance to not run into pony fanart.

Again, you single out bronies as the only ones who spread their fandom into other fandoms as if it was some sort of taint. You're garnering no sympathy from me. This point is also invalid.

Number Seven:

> While some bronies may have good points and legitimate arguments, most of them are just retarded.

Oh, I've already got a response for this, but I gotta hear this. How?

> This is on the video "Save Derpy"
> *Shows Youtube comment*
> Take this as an example. He misspells the word he is trying to correct for him, and while doing so, insults him.


You take one person from the fanbase, and say that he's the majority. That's just plain slander. This point is invalid.

Number Six:

> Being a brony could personally mean anything.

So can being a gangsta, being a Nazi, being a Socialist...What's your point?

> Because there are so many retards in the fandom itself, it's hard to tell who in the fandom is a tolerable person.

So you're using your previously invalid point to try and make another invalid point? Even if what you were saying WERE true, it's quite easy to tell the griffons from the ponies. All you have to do is read what they say.

> So far, I've only seen a few bronies that are actually tolerable.

Compared to the one that was simply insufferable. Yeah, our fandom is plagued with tards and cancer, alright.

This point is invalid.

Number Five:

> This is an extract from the video "Anti Bronies - Explained".

Punctuation fail.

> *Plays clip*
> ...
> Not all anti-bronies are like this. This implies that EVERY anti-brony is selfish.

The sweet, delicious irony.

Does it bother you that you think most of the fandom is retarded because of one person's post? Even though you've seen plenty of more intelligent bronies, you still think the majority is stupid.

> *video continues*
> Yeah, that's because bronies HAVE to let us know about them, but I'll get onto that later.

Then I'll invalidate this point later.

> *video continues*
> Nowhere in this video have I called bronies "girly" or "gay".

Punctuation fail. That's strike three, you're out. You've lost gas mask privileges.

Also, you haven't called us "girly" or "gay," but you have bashed us for supporting the very thing we like, which is just as bad, if not worse.

> *video continues*
> This is what lousy anti-bronies would go by.

You mean, "this is what bronies see the majority of anti-bronies doing." Can you taste the irony in your previous statements of us being retarded, yet?

> *video ends*
> What does this mean? Just like lousy anti-bronies, lousy bronies will make assumptions based on the first few things they see.

That's not what's bad about "lousy bronies." We'll all make assumptions based off of the first few things we see. It's how we reply to these assumptions is what makes us either lousy or decent.

A lousy brony would default to ALL CAPS RAEG and insult the person. A decent brony would try to befriend and reason with the person. Kinda like the example you showed earlier.

> NEVER in this video have I complained about bronies being "unmanly" or "gay".

Punctuation fail.

And I reiterate my point. You have consistently bashed us for supporting our fandom. For example, how would you like it if you liked Dragon Ball Z, and I bullied you, insulted you, bad-mouthed you, and said that you shouldn't be doing what you're doing simply because you wore a T-shirt with Goku on it? This is what I'm getting from this video so far.

> My conclusion: This is an example of pure ignorance from bronies.

As opposed to you, an example of pure hypocrisy from anti-bronies. Oh yeah, I went there. Your point is invalid.

> On that note: none of these reasons I may complain about in this video may apply to you, if you're a brony.

Too late for that, bub. You've already opened the can, now finish the meal.

Number Four:

> There are bronies who will force you into becoming a brony.

Yeah, just like there are haters who think everyone who is a brony should go die in a fire.

> It's one thing to be a part of a fandom. It's another to force it into people who do not want part of it.

Grammar fail. Force it into? Jeez, guy, it's a fandom, not a dildo! "Force it onto" is the correct usage. As for the rest of the sentence, it's "people who do not want a part in it."

And my response? It's one thing to not like a fandom. It's another to go and say that fans of the show shouldn't support it.

> Not everyone wants a part of the brony fanbase. This fact should be respectable.

Grammar fail. So the fact should shave close, and dress up nicely, is that what you're saying? or did you mean:
> Not everyone wants to be a part of the brony fanbase. This fact should be respected.

As for my response, I wholeheartedly agree. And on behalf of bronies who have done that, I apologize. But that's no excuse to go onto random sites and videos and call bronies "fags" or "retards" or telling them to "go die in a fire." This behavior is outright appalling, and is just as bad, if not worse than trying to spread a message that you think is meaningful, in the hopes of becoming that person's friend. So this point is invalid.

Number Three:

> My Little Pony submemes are (obviously) associated with bronies.

And lolcats are obviously associated with cats. Go figure.

> These submemes don't do the fandom any good. They only make the fandom less reputable.

Really? I'm having a hard time finding aforementioned memes that spread brony ill-repute. Please provide an example.

> A good example of this is bronyspeak and ponification.


Now you're just being nit-picky. Ponification isn't the blight that you think it is. People like to merge their fandoms together. There's nothing wrong with that, especially since other fandoms like to merge their fandoms into others. Some things have to be "Onceler'd" (I'm not sure that's a word) or "Chibified" or "Gundamized." Why aren't you complaining about them? Why are you singling bronies out as the only ones who do this?

As for bronyspeak, if you don't want to hear it, then don't talk to bronies. It's simple as that. What's stopping you?

> *Ten seconds flat meme*
> This phrase already existed, but now I can't say it anymore because it's associated with bronies now.

Sentence structure fail. You used "now" one too many times.

> Since this is associated with bronies now, it will do me no good if I say it, since I am not a brony.

Do I really need to post the "world's smallest violin" picture again? We're not preventing you from saying the phrase. YOU are. You're the only one saying you can't say it. So what if it's associated with MLP, now? It's not like you were using it that often anyway. And if you do see an opportunity to use it, use it anyway. Pewdiepie isn't a brony, but he's still using brony submemes for completely valid reactions. I don't see any reason you can't do the same, so your point is invalid.

> They also have to inject horse puns into everything to make it a phrase.

...And? People annoy the buck out of me when they talk about football, and use sports lingo, but I don't give a hoof about it, because it's not my saddle.

> *brohoof images*
> You really aren't helping yourselves by doing this.

Oh, boo, hoo, hoo. Cry me a river, flankhurt. Like I said, there's nothing preventing you from simply ignoring or avoiding it, so if you don't like it, don't bother with it.

> It seems this is more of a product of how "cute" the characters are.

What does that have to do with the price of tea in Canterlot?

> And of course, we also have this.
> *Love and tolerate*

Yeah? We like the show's message, and we want to live by it, unlike you, apparently. What's your point?

> This annoys me the most because it is just annoying. Like the article says, its intention is to react to 'trolls' while remaining non-confrontational.

So you want bronies to confront you? You want bronies to get angry, and prove that humans are simple-minded beings of pure hate? I don't want to do that. Why do you seem to have such low faith and disdain for humanity? Quit being annoyed at peaceful methods of defusing a situation.

> It seems like this is used more to annoy 'trolls' if they say negatively expressed statements towards bronies.

...I'll let it slide, but you should at least work on the sentence structure.

And no, you're wrong. We don't just do it to annoy trolls. We do it because we don't like confrontation. To be honest, I don't think anybody does. We don't "love and tolerate" so that we can annoy the trolls, we "love and tolerate" to show that we respect other opinions, despite how they drastically differ from our own. That means that we actually believe what the show teaches, and we're trying to live out our lives as better people by following the example the show set forth.

> I know not every brony has said that, but it makes your kind look more like douchebags than anything else.

Brony: I like ponies, and I wanna be your friend.

You: Fuck you.

Brony: :'( I get that you don't like me, but I'll love and tolerate.

Oh yes, we're totally the douches, here.[/sarcasm]

> It makes me question how competent these bronies really are.

...Do you even know what "competent" means? I think you just said this to make yourself sound intelligent, since the word was improperly used in this context.

Your point is invalid.

Number Two:

> Bronies will bring up ponies and pony images where they are not needed. A good example of this is ponification.

I get it. You're flankhurt because ponies seem to be invading your life. Chances are, I already invalidated this argument, but let's hear what you've got.

> *ponified memes*

Yep, already invalidated.

Now you're just being nit-picky. Ponification isn't the blight that you think it is. People like to merge their fandoms together. There's nothing wrong with that, especially since other fandoms like to merge their fandoms into others. Some things have to be "Onceler'd" (I'm not sure that's a word) or "Chibified" or "Gundamized." Why aren't you complaining about them? Why are you singling bronies out as the only ones who do this?

In addition, ponified memes are meant for use by bronies, and people who are man enough to use them despite the fact they depict ponies. You seem to come off as neither of these.

> Aside from that, they have to spam forums with pony images where not needed or necessary.

Now this is a serious accusation. Let's see if it holds water.

> *4chan image*
> This was taken from 4chan. Even though bronies have their own board, they still post ponies elsewhere.

And this was taken from the Season 3 Episode 4 livestream premiere. You can't claim moral high ground after something like this. We post a few threads where we're not wanted, and you hack our episodes. Overreaction much? I could apologize for appearing where we're not wanted, but I'm really pertubed that "your kind" would stoop to this level.

> We're still on /b/. Check the fuc-

Yo, OP, I'm not gonna let you finish, but we wouldn't hack your websites. What we're doing is small potatoes compared to the thrashing of hate we receive in turn. Something's got to change, but you can't say that bronies are bad because of this behavior, when anti-brony behavior is clearly worse.

Your argument is valid, but invalidated by your associates' poor reactions. Next!

> Recap of list.

Uh huh. All points invalidated. Next!

> Now it's time for...

You're overhyping it, dude.

Number One:

> Bronies are widespread, throughout the internet, as now a major part of internet culture.

Punctuation fail. Too many commas.

This is a fact. Get to the problem.

> Ever hear the saying "Bronies are the cancer of the internet."?

Punctuation fail.

Yes, I have. So?

> Although [some of] bronies' intentions are to spread positive messages, it ends up becoming an argument of sorts.

Restructure your sentence. It's not bad, but it's not good.

Yes, the 'tards of one group insult the 'tards of the other group, and it boils down to a massive flame war. I'm familiar with the internet.

> These arguments end up leaving a negative message on either side that is opposing eachother.

Spacing fail. "Eachother" is two words.

This is just as much the anti-bronies' fault as it is the bronies' fault.

> As I've said before, anything with My Little Pony content becomes a target for an argument to ensue.

Anything with a differing point of view usually does.

> Since bronies are a major part of internet culture, that really doesn't help anyone.

So people should stop liking the show so that no arguments will pop up, right?

Do you know how oppressively offensive that sounds?

> Even though bronies are supposed to be positive, they end up resulting in negative conflicts between people.

Yeah, well, it's not for a lack of trying to be friendly, in most cases. Most haters like to antagonize bronies until they explode in anger.

> Hell, even posting a picture of Rainbow Dash for TWO SECONDS in a video causes unnecessary and just plain retarded arguments.

So does posting a crucifix. Or a picture of the Enterprise destroying the Death Star. Or a picture of Goku fighting Superman.

> It's not as simple as "If you don't like it, don't watch it.", because of this nonsense.

Punctuation fail.

Well, don't you think you should try to embrace it instead? Unlike haters and anti-bronies, there are bronies out there, such as myself and saberspark who are trying to change the ways bronies react. Any bronies currently reading this blog, click the link. Do it. Do it now. You need it.

In any case, Bronies are actively trying to improve the reactions of the fanbase as a whole. You can't say the same about anti-bronies and haters. We're trying to practice what we preach, and we preach love and tolerance. I think I can speak for every brony when I say that being a brony isn't about trolling or annoying people. We didn't become bronies to do that. We're bronies because we want peaceful kinship. We want to befriend anyone and everyone. And what better way to befriend people then to find a common interest? So what if ponies are dominating the internet? As long as there are bronies like saberspark, myself, and others who want to make the fandom good, wholesome, and friendly, is that necessarily a bad thing?

I think I'll skip the rest of the playthrough, since my above comment pretty much addresses the rest of what you've said.

By the way, not a fan of the dismal 'the human race is doomed' music at the end of the video.

A Place to Vent... okay, here goes nothing.

Insomnia. If any of you have seen the movie 'Fight Club', insomnia is described in it as "never being truly awake, but never being truly asleep either". I haven't slept for more than a couple hours per night for the past couple of weeks, and that description of insomnia couldn't be any closer to the actuality of it. I'm in a constant dream state; it is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish reality from the products of a sleep-deprived mind.

This disorder—for me, at least—is stress induced. Dealing with absolutely dibilitating interpersonal problems with my significant other. Worrying about if I'll have a place to call home one day to the next. Going to work and not accomplishing anything, because I think straight, because I can't sleep, because my mind is so full of fuck with the uncertainty of my situation.

I constantly think about death and it seriously worries me. I think about my death, the deaths of others... most of the time at my hands. I would never commit suicide (I don't think), I believe it to be the single most selfish and abhorrent thing a person could ever do; the thought of such a thing sickens me, truthfully. I would never kill another human, unless it were to protect the lives of my family. However, if I were to die today as the result of some freak accident or unforeseen medical condition, I think I would be okay with that. Also, if I were to see someone be struck by a moving vehicle, I would probably smile.

Everything that I once knew to be 'right' and 'comfortable' in my life is now gone, and I'm terrified that it will never return to me. No matter what I do in an attempt to rectify the situations I'm dealing with, I only have power over myself and my own actions. I can't sway someone else's opinion of me except through changing or modifying my own behaviors and mannerisms—which is an exceedingly difficult thing to do. Will these changes I try to make in myself eventually come naturally for me or will I be forced to continue making a concerted effort on a daily/hourly/minute-to-minute basis in order for them to hold? I can only hope and pray to whatever higher power may be out there that those changes will become a part of me, because I'm not sure how much longer I can continue making a whole-hearted effort—it hurts, it truly does hurt.

I know I'm messed up. I know these things aren't healthy. I sought help from a professional and I am working to fix myself. I didn't come here for a discussion about my mental state (though words of encouragement wouldn't be rejected), I just really wanted to throw this out somewhere and 'a place to vent' seemed like an alright place to do it.

Thanks to those of you that took the time to actually read my ranting... I don't know if writing this stuff down actually helped, but I feel a little better for this brief moment in time.

tl;dr My life fell apart, I can't sleep, and my mind is pretty much broken.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


You know what is the thing that most helps people? Talking. I did read a bit about this, but what I am telling you is what I gathered from talking with a lot of people, both in real life and in the internet. Most of the pain we suffer is because we have a habit of 'keeping things inside'. Holding down our feelings is poisonous: hatred, anger, sadness... those things will only keep eating us. Not only bad feelings, even things like love can become destructive if kept hidden for much time.

Your insomnia is caused by your stress, which is caused by several incomplete issues. Listen, if your life is in pieces then it's time to stop and try to put it together. And if you can't, that means you are missing a piece: you must then find it and put it together. What I mean by this?

Do the following, preferably at night: close your eyes and think about everything that is happening. Examine your actions, your thoughts, your job and your personal relations. You need to find what is wrong, then strive for fix it. Is the true cause your job? Then try to correct it... or try to find one that you would really like. Is it someone you love? Examine yourself, then the other person, try to find both of your faults and try to fix it together.

When you strive to change yourself, you have to ask yourself: why? If it's something good, then you must use it to give yourself the strenght needed for the change. Changing is never easy: I myself struggle with many of my own faults and vices, trying to become something better. But that is a battle that we need to keep fighting, because we know that the goal is worth it.

I am happy that you are searching for professional help, especially a psicologist. What you need now is meditation, you need to put your thoughts back in place. If the insomnia gets too crippling use medicine, but try to avoid it unless you have no choice.

Another suggestion I can give you is to avoid sad things. When we feel sad we usually search for sad things: this is wrong. You will only make yourself feel worst: you can't return smile after seeing disgrace. You need to search for happy things and fill yourself with them: the more you smile, the quicker you will get over your depression.

If you feel the need to stream some more vent, feel free to message me. I cannot do much besides giving advice, but just the act of sharing your load with someone else will make your shoulders feel lighter.

EDIT - If you feel like writing something, here are two suggestions:

1 - Try to write a fanfic about everything you are feeling. You don't need to publish it, but that could serve as a 'pressure valve' for yourself. Don't try to sink yourself in dark themes: just let what you feel leave naturally, like a overfilled bottle. When you feel relieved from your thoughts, end the fanfic with a message of peace.

It's important: the purpose of this fanfic is to be a pressure valve, not a normal fanfiction. When the pressure is released, just let it end instead of searching for more. :twilightsmile:

2 - Try to write a happy fanfic! If you try to write something happy, you will literally 'force' yourself to search for happy things, and it could be used to improve your mood. Watch some my little pony episodes, without thinking deep: just enjoy the animation, the jokes and the messages of friendship it shares.

Even if the depression returns when you aren't doing these things, just having a moment of happiness is enough to help relieve yourself a bit from your stress.:pinkiehappy:

My best suggestion if you have a laptop is to do it from your garden at morning. Not only you would feel the morning air, it's probably more silent so you can place your thoughts together with more ease.

Also consider doing a sport: physical activity is a great way to relieve our minds. My favorite ones are running and jogging. Also take a small break if your job is besides a computer, every few hours: go out of your room, drink some water and stretch yourself a little. ^-^

Much of the stress nowadays is because of working with the brain or staying too much time in front of eletronics (TVs, Computers, Consoles). Another suggestion would be having a trip to the nature: only breathing green air is enough to feel a bit more relieved. :twilightsmile:

And at lastly, think about not only you are feeding your mind... but your body as well. Avoid junk food and try to eat more healthy: the better your body is, the more refreshed your mind will be.

As you can see, there is a lot of ways to improve our mood. You need to find the one who better works for you... or do all of them. Please, do keep safe. :twilightsmile:

Random dislikes.

They don't make me angry per-se, but It really ticks me off to see them without an explanation. =\

Why dislike without saying why? Heck, you won't even know if it's the same person making a different account just to dislike further or something.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Well, many reasons. The most frequents ones are:

-> I don't like your subject. Downvote.
OR -> I don't like you. Downvote.


That so, huh... Ugh, well that blows.

Eh, It's not like I'm ready to go into overdrive in promoting my story, since well, the story's kinda starting slow anyway, and I refuse to rush it. But really, I know my grammar ain't bad. It's pretty good. Not genius level, but I know it's good. >_>

I don't see why I'm the disliked one in general, so it must be the subject. or synopsis. Or hell, maybe just the tags. Who knows.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Human and OC tag bring the worst in people, I'm afraid. :pinkiesad2:


Bloody hell then. :|

After I finish this story, I'm never writing a human fic again. =\

Not worth the random dislikes just because people REFUSE to try.

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


That is true. :pinkiesad2:

Still, if you like those fanfics you should still write them. You really can't please everyone. :twilightsmile:

Group Admin

I don't know why I even try anymore with EQD. They rejected my story new story, even though it's the best I've written. They nitpicked the thing to death and insult some of the aspects of the story other readers have praised. No consistency in there reviews.. except for the constant rejection. :ajbemused:

There's also the fact that no one reads it...

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Hmm... I never sent to EqD so I will avoid commenting on them.

Do you mean your 'Tears of Siren'? If so, it's a bit hard to get many pageviews with just OC and Other tags. Most people who read stories check for canon or background ponies instead of original characters.

Still, if people who read enjoy it, they will probably share with others. My suggestion would be to make more 'standard' stories. If people enjoy them, there is a good chance that they will look at your profile, see your new story, get curious and read it. :twilightsmile:


LET THE DAMN THING GO. :twilightangry2:

Whisper The Saint
Group Admin


Like I said before: those will be a fun two - three weeks. :ajsleepy:

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