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>Follow Pinkie Pie

You agree to follow the pony, and she leads you down the street to a strange building. It's not particularly large, but it's ascetically appealing and surprisingly clean, much like a medical facility.

Written in large lettering on the front is a sign that reads: Equestria Online Emigration Center.

You've seen these places all over, and you know that people who go in rarely ever come out.

"What's the holdup slowpoke? We're almost there!" Pinkie Pie calls back to you.

You feel your stomach turn over, and you're struck with the instinct to run.

"Feeling a bit nervous? Why would you? Soon you'll have more friends than you could ever hope for! All the friends and all the fun you could ever want! Doesn't that sound AMAZING?"

Is it even worth it? She's right. You know where all the people are, and they're just a few steps away.

"I'll throw you a great big welcome party when we get there!"

>Run away
>Enter the building

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