• Member Since 24th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th


Metal music, guitars, and model electric trains. Rainbow Dash is best pony!

More Blog Posts172

  • 21 weeks
    When You Expect the Littlest of Things

    Hi all. This is something that I wasn’t expecting, at all. Thank you guys for liking my latest story “Twilight Wants a Cookie”. I sorta wrote that story as a joke for no reason. It literally just came to my head out of nowhere.

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    2 comments · 81 views
  • 22 weeks
    New Story!

    Yes, I’m still writing. Sorta. Just not as much as I use to. But here’s another fun/stupid story idea I had in mind for a bit. Thought I’d try and bring at least a laugh or two. May not be “funny” but I gave it a shot. Why not, eh? Hope you all enjoy it.

    0 comments · 61 views
  • 24 weeks
    Weird Feeling

    Ever get that one feeling where you had at least one idea that’s itching to be released from its cage? It’s happened to me a lot here. Like my latest story for example. Except I didn’t want my last story to be a million words long.

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    2 comments · 90 views
  • 33 weeks
    How’s Everyone?

    I know I haven’t been posting blogs and stories lately, but it doesn’t hurt to check in, right?

    I always wonder if so many people still use this site after the show ended a few years ago.

    5 comments · 103 views
  • 39 weeks
    9 Years

    Happy ninth anniversary old friend. Can’t believe how much time is going by.

    5 comments · 133 views

So This Happened… · 6:20am Sep 9th, 2022

I have absolutely no idea how this happened. And I do not have the passion for writing stories anymore. I seriously don’t. However, there was just…this one idea that I had in my head for days, and I seriously had to let it out. I just had to. It’s for a story I wrote years ago, and I canceled it due to the fact I suffered terrible writersblocks. It’s a story that features Thomas & Friends. My childhood tv show. A show that holds a special place in my heart. (Not talking CGI and the new 2D animation. Disgusting!)

I watched the movie “Thomas and the Magic Railroad” days earlier. Just watching that had me thinking of this, and for days on and off. I just had that one idea circling in my head over and over and I just had to let it out.

Just because I’m back on, doesn’t mean I want to write again. Please don’t get that through your heads, I just had to get that idea outta my system. I’ll tag it here if you guys are interested. It’s the first time it had an update in over six years. Can’t believe it.

Comments ( 5 )

It's my childhood TV show too. Heck, TATMR not only was my first movie, but it introduced me to the franchise.

Nevertheless, it's great hearing from you! I hope you're doing well.

Sweet! Idk what introduced me to Thomas first. Idk if it was the movie or the show, but nonetheless I love Thomas so much.

Well, TATMR got the ball rolling. My parents had a plethora of VHS tapes, the first of which was "Thomas & His Friends Help Out." I still have it to this day.

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