• Member Since 24th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th


Metal music, guitars, and model electric trains. Rainbow Dash is best pony!


When You Expect the Littlest of Things · 6:33am February 24th

Hi all. This is something that I wasn’t expecting, at all. Thank you guys for liking my latest story “Twilight Wants a Cookie”. I sorta wrote that story as a joke for no reason. It literally just came to my head out of nowhere.

I was gonna title it “Twilight Demands Cereal” but that title was already taken-ish by another FiMfic writer. I dunno if he’s still on the site, but still. But I can’t remember seeing any story having a similar title that I gave mine. So…why not? 😂

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 80 views ·

New Story! · 6:35am February 22nd

Yes, I’m still writing. Sorta. Just not as much as I use to. But here’s another fun/stupid story idea I had in mind for a bit. Thought I’d try and bring at least a laugh or two. May not be “funny” but I gave it a shot. Why not, eh? Hope you all enjoy it.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 60 views ·

Weird Feeling · 7:46am February 8th

Ever get that one feeling where you had at least one idea that’s itching to be released from its cage? It’s happened to me a lot here. Like my latest story for example. Except I didn’t want my last story to be a million words long.

I have had ideas where I’m just dying to let them out, and I feel like the only way to let them out of through this site, and it’s basically been happening ever since I signed up here.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 89 views ·

How’s Everyone? · 5:48am Dec 8th, 2023

I know I haven’t been posting blogs and stories lately, but it doesn’t hurt to check in, right?

I always wonder if so many people still use this site after the show ended a few years ago.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 102 views ·

9 Years · 3:57am Oct 25th, 2023

Happy ninth anniversary old friend. Can’t believe how much time is going by.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 132 views ·

Happy Thanksgiving 2022 · 4:16am Nov 25th, 2022

Happy thanksgiving everyone. Hope everyone had a good turkey day.

I should also say I’m probably gonna keep my mouth shut from now on. Every time I say I’m back, I leave within a few months. But every time I say I leave, I come back in a certain amount of time. It’s as if I can’t make up my mind. At all.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 147 views ·

Happy Eighth Anniversary Old Friend. · 3:21am Oct 25th, 2022

Don’t know where I’d be without this page in a way. I wish time would just slow down for once. Eight years is too much, and I’m not looking forward to when it hits nine and ten years. 😪

Report Brony_Headbanger · 105 views ·

Long Journey · 4:05am Sep 27th, 2022

I have to get this off my chest. I’m way too early, but this October 24th would mean that it has been officially eight years since I have been on this site. Say what?!? Eight years? Bruh, it does not feel like that long AT ALL! Wha…where have the years gone? 😰

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 208 views ·

Well Then… · 2:29am Sep 20th, 2022

Ever had that feeling you messed up on something and didn’t know it till you looked back at it? Well, in a recent story I updated I had to take down a chapter rather than thinking of what I could possibly do to restart everything. So now the story has five chapters, but I think I have a slight plan on how I can make it up. So far I have a few ideas cooking in my head on what I can possibly do, but hopefully it’ll be better. So yeah. This is extremely annoying. 😒

Report Brony_Headbanger · 187 views ·

So This Happened… · 6:20am Sep 9th, 2022

I have absolutely no idea how this happened. And I do not have the passion for writing stories anymore. I seriously don’t. However, there was just…this one idea that I had in my head for days, and I seriously had to let it out. I just had to. It’s for a story I wrote years ago, and I canceled it due to the fact I suffered terrible writersblocks. It’s a story that features Thomas & Friends. My childhood tv show. A show that holds a special place in my heart. (Not talking CGI and the new 2D

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 231 views ·