• Member Since 24th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th


Metal music, guitars, and model electric trains. Rainbow Dash is best pony!

More Blog Posts172

  • 21 weeks
    When You Expect the Littlest of Things

    Hi all. This is something that I wasn’t expecting, at all. Thank you guys for liking my latest story “Twilight Wants a Cookie”. I sorta wrote that story as a joke for no reason. It literally just came to my head out of nowhere.

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    2 comments · 81 views
  • 22 weeks
    New Story!

    Yes, I’m still writing. Sorta. Just not as much as I use to. But here’s another fun/stupid story idea I had in mind for a bit. Thought I’d try and bring at least a laugh or two. May not be “funny” but I gave it a shot. Why not, eh? Hope you all enjoy it.

    0 comments · 61 views
  • 24 weeks
    Weird Feeling

    Ever get that one feeling where you had at least one idea that’s itching to be released from its cage? It’s happened to me a lot here. Like my latest story for example. Except I didn’t want my last story to be a million words long.

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    2 comments · 90 views
  • 33 weeks
    How’s Everyone?

    I know I haven’t been posting blogs and stories lately, but it doesn’t hurt to check in, right?

    I always wonder if so many people still use this site after the show ended a few years ago.

    5 comments · 102 views
  • 39 weeks
    9 Years

    Happy ninth anniversary old friend. Can’t believe how much time is going by.

    5 comments · 133 views

Happy Thanksgiving 2022 · 4:16am Nov 25th, 2022

Happy thanksgiving everyone. Hope everyone had a good turkey day.

I should also say I’m probably gonna keep my mouth shut from now on. Every time I say I’m back, I leave within a few months. But every time I say I leave, I come back in a certain amount of time. It’s as if I can’t make up my mind. At all.

So from now on, I’m letting my actions speak. If I leave, I leave. If I come back, I come back. Hope the latest story is ok for everybody. Worked on and off on it for a bit, and sort of an idea that was swarming in my head after watching something on Netflix about tornadoes. Let alone the recent Quad-State Tornado that actually inspired me to write my latest story so far.

Not only that, for whatever reason. There was a woman in that episode. She lived in Mayfield Kentucky where that tornado hit. I don’t know what it is. Even though it was really sad and heartbroken, but when she said in tears “That tornado was huge.” It was an inspiring moment. I wish I can explain it to you guys how it was. I get it was very, very sad, but at the same time…inspiring.

It just came from nowhere.

Report Brony_Headbanger · 148 views · Story: EF5 ·
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