• Member Since 24th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen July 17th


Metal music, guitars, and model electric trains. Rainbow Dash is best pony!


Might be true this time. · 4:12am May 10th, 2022

Yeah, I hate writing stories. So much. šŸ˜’

Report Brony_Headbanger · 194 views ·

Had Story Ideas, and Theyā€™re Getting NOWHERE! · 3:49am Mar 29th, 2022

Like, literally. Story ideas that I had once as well as one Iā€™m ā€œTRYINGā€ to work on is not getting anywhere. Still suffer writers blocks. šŸ™„

Report Brony_Headbanger · 130 views ·

Thanks! · 11:42pm Feb 3rd, 2022

For those who stood by me, thanks. Iā€™m glad my latest story turned outā€¦a bit better than what I expected. I will admit, itā€™s defiantly not one of my best, at all. I was really scared on how this will turn out, and Iā€™m glad the majority of you enjoyed it. Even if it might beā€¦not too good. :rainbowlaugh:

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The Completion · 6:29am Jan 19th, 2022

Whatā€™s up, everyone! I am here to happily confirm that my latest story is now complete. A month and a half of writing on and off and itā€™s finally done. Phew.

However, itā€™s not close to completion. Iā€™ll still have to go through it for any last minute changes, as well as last minute research. As doing research on the stuff I need to do for this story, I did what I could, and I canā€™t really seem to find much about the stuff in a way. Once itā€™s uploaded, youā€™ll see what I mean.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 182 views ·

New Favorite Show Latelyā€¦ · 1:44am Jan 11th, 2022

Ever wondered that you got a favorite show that youā€™re totally obsessed with? Heh, I so happened to step into that mouse trap letā€™s say. šŸ™‚

Report Brony_Headbanger · 82 views ·

Happy New Year! · 2:22am Jan 1st, 2022

Happy new year everyone! Looks like 2021 has been a crazy year for us all. Canā€™t recall if itā€™s still the same as 2020, but I also canā€™t say it was better.

I think in my opinion, 2021 was a crazy year for Mother Nature. I feel like she couldnā€™t make up her mind on the weather lately. Especially when it comes to tornadoes. Not to mention the quad state tornado this month which literally blew my mind, and it happened the night after my birthday. How crazy!

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 135 views ·

Update on Latest Story. :) · 12:40am Dec 23rd, 2021

What up, guys? Just thought Iā€™d give a small update on my latest story so far. Since itā€™s getting close to Christmas, looks like it may come out when 2022 comes knocking on our doorstep. When exactly, I cannot say. Although, I have been making really good progress. So far, I have gotten four chapters almost done, and each one consist of two to three thousand words, which is to my surprise in my opinion. Lmao.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 156 views ·

Itā€™s Happening! :D · 3:00pm Nov 20th, 2021

Woo-hoo! A new story is in the works guys. I canā€™t wait till this one gets done. Right now, I just surpassed the four hundred word mark on the first chapter. Iā€™m making good progress so far, and Iā€™m already enjoying it. :twilightsmile:

Although, I will point this out. The beginning of it is kinda depressing, but I was kinda aiming for that. It will also involve something else thatā€™sā€¦not so healthy, letā€™s say. I donā€™t wish to spoil any details cause I wish for you guys to see it first.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 182 views ·

Is It Just Meā€¦? · 6:26am Nov 18th, 2021

Whatā€™s up guys? So Iā€™ve been noticing somethingā€¦rather odd lately. Or is it just me? Minus a couple times, I havenā€™t looked at the clopfic page in ages, cause Iā€™m now trying to find a story to read to get some inspiration to write my next story, and Iā€™m kinda noticing something odd. I even noticed it in the new stories tab too when it comes to a topic like that.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 169 views ·

Thanks! :) · 1:50am Nov 17th, 2021

Hi everyone. Whatā€™s up. So itā€™s been a couple days since I posted my latest story, and Iā€™m really glad you guys enjoyed it. Even if it was a test to help me get back into writing. Well, I can say this. It certainly helped a lot. I now feel like I have the urge to write yet another story. However, I need to train this urge like a couple of you said. Iā€™ll defiantly take my time with this one.

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Report Brony_Headbanger · 177 views ·