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  • 3 weeks
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  • 54 weeks
    Important Announcement

    Okay, now I know the title of the blog says, and I quote 'Important Announcement' it doesn't mean the one thing many people have asked me the last few months. "Will I return to making fanfics?" My answer is and still is no, and I'm sorry for anyone who was expecting I would. :fluttercry: I stopped making these things because of what was going on with my life and how I started to get less

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  • 75 weeks
    My thoughts on The Owl House Finale and the show in its entirety.

    Just a heads up, for anyone who is reading this, you are about to hear spoilers regarding the Disney channel tv show Owl House and its series finale. So if you are an Owl House fan and don't want to get spoiled or are simply not interested in reading this blog in particular, I recommend leaving now as I will be sharing my overall thoughts on the show entirely and the show's ending.


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  • 79 weeks
    Life update and how I've been doing.

    Hey everyone, been a while since I've made a blog since I retired from making fanfics back in November 2022. While it's only been 4 months since I published my last story which I left a link down below for anyone who hasn't read it yet, a lot has changed for me since then. For starters, I'm 21 years old now so I'm legally allowed to drink. I did try some on my birthday with my family and somewhat

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  • 97 weeks

    Well, it's official, I'm retired as a fanfic writer, and has been updated in my profile to all who see my account. I uploaded my final story yesterday, which many people are loving. I've been waiting to get this done for a while now and finally, it's complete! I never intended to do this for a long time when I first began in the fall of 2020 but of course, with what my life was going through when

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September 2022 Update · 6:35pm Sep 5th, 2022

Hello everyone, I hope you are all having a good weekend/labor day (for those who live in the US). I thought I'd make a quick update on things, like where are the newest chapters I promised for "The Next Chapter of our Lives!" and why it's labeled hiatus, plus how I've been doing lately. Well, the reason for the delays is several reasons. 1, my collab partner 13 Shades of Sunset was busy most of August with work and wasn't able to finish chapter 6 til almost a week ago. Then afterward, Echo Breeze aka my editor had some issues with her computer and has now gone into a depression. She'll hopefully be back to normal in a few days and hopefully, we'll be back on track then. As for myself, I've been busy with mainly work, I just started my newest semester of college (which had a rocky start last week, won't go much into it atm) but you get the picture. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out but I'm hoping to have them out this month, so I can then retire and continue on with my job and college, as it's made doing these stories harder than ever for me. So for the time being my eqg finale is labeled on hiatus for the time being. And don't you worry, it's not canceled. I've already finished writing the chapters and my next story afterward, as I just need them edited so they can then be uploaded on fimfiction. I hope you understand where I'm at right now, and hope to give me the time I need to get this stuff done. Now if you excuse me, I got a quiz to study for tomorrow, so until then, I'm SciSetShimmerEvan signing off.

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