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  • 54 weeks
    Important Announcement

    Okay, now I know the title of the blog says, and I quote 'Important Announcement' it doesn't mean the one thing many people have asked me the last few months. "Will I return to making fanfics?" My answer is and still is no, and I'm sorry for anyone who was expecting I would. :fluttercry: I stopped making these things because of what was going on with my life and how I started to get less

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  • 75 weeks
    My thoughts on The Owl House Finale and the show in its entirety.

    Just a heads up, for anyone who is reading this, you are about to hear spoilers regarding the Disney channel tv show Owl House and its series finale. So if you are an Owl House fan and don't want to get spoiled or are simply not interested in reading this blog in particular, I recommend leaving now as I will be sharing my overall thoughts on the show entirely and the show's ending.


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  • 79 weeks
    Life update and how I've been doing.

    Hey everyone, been a while since I've made a blog since I retired from making fanfics back in November 2022. While it's only been 4 months since I published my last story which I left a link down below for anyone who hasn't read it yet, a lot has changed for me since then. For starters, I'm 21 years old now so I'm legally allowed to drink. I did try some on my birthday with my family and somewhat

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  • 96 weeks

    Well, it's official, I'm retired as a fanfic writer, and has been updated in my profile to all who see my account. I uploaded my final story yesterday, which many people are loving. I've been waiting to get this done for a while now and finally, it's complete! I never intended to do this for a long time when I first began in the fall of 2020 but of course, with what my life was going through when

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Life update and how I've been doing. · 7:13pm Mar 13th, 2023

Hey everyone, been a while since I've made a blog since I retired from making fanfics back in November 2022. While it's only been 4 months since I published my last story which I left a link down below for anyone who hasn't read it yet, a lot has changed for me since then. For starters, I'm 21 years old now so I'm legally allowed to drink. I did try some on my birthday with my family and somewhat liked it but don't see myself drinking it a lot as I still can't get over how vodka tastes. I also was aware of the news that there are hints of a possible G5 Equestria Girls coming out this year. I still feel like the chances of a show happening are slim as many people only thought about it over the reveal of 4 of the Main 5 as screenshots of them as dolls appeared online. My feelings on a possible revival of EQG are mixed for several reasons, mainly since why would Hasbro want to bring it back with the G5 character despite they canceled the one they made when G4 was still airing? But that's not what is important right now nor am I concerned about it. The biggest change I've had lately is that I've become a fan of one of Disney's 'current' popular tv shows which will be ending next month. The show in question is called "Owl House." I've heard a lot about it the last year, especially in 2 discord servers I'm in, 1 run by a good Fimfict friend of mine while the other by a popular eqg deviantart artist. I won't say who either one is for good measure and other reasons. Getting back on track, the story of how I became a fan of the show goes back to about 3 weeks ago during my day off from college. I had nothing to do that day and decided to try the show itself. I had spent the last 2 days thinking about it and wondering if it was any good. I watched all 42 episodes that are currently out within 3 days and was overblown by how good it was! I even changed my user name to LuzSetEvan. It's a combination of Luz, the main character of Owl House, Sunset from Eqg, and my real name Evan. I'm not sure if this name change will stay or not but for now, that's what I'm going by now. To try and not spoil much about "Owl House" I'll share a small bit on what the show is about for anyone curious. Owl House is about a 14-year-old girl named Luz Noceda. She doesn't have any friends and would rather spend her time reading her favorite book novel about a wizard by the name of Azura or doing crazy things that have ended up getting her in trouble, 1 of which involved real spiders. This concerned her mother dearly as it worries her to see her daughter like this, while also being a single parent. It is explained what happened to her father later on in the series, but I won't say why as it's a lot to take in. Following yet another problem Luz caused at school her mom wants her to go to a summer camp that would help her attitude and to make some friends. However, on that same day, Luz ends up in an alternate dimension known as the demon realm after going through a portal while chasing an owl who had taken her Azura book. Once she's there she befriends a witch by the name of Eda. After helping Eda and her friend King get back something of theirs Luz decides to stay in the Demon Realm and become a witch. She meets many friends, makes a few enemies, and even falls in love! One of the reasons the show has become so popular since it began in early 2020 is because of its LGBTQ moments. It's even confirmed later on that Luz is bisexual. While I'm glad to have joined the Owl House community I am a bit sad knowing that in just a few weeks, the day before Easter to be exact aka April 8th, 2023, the show will be concluding with its final episode, that's gonna be a near hour-long episode. I'm quite nervous to see how the show will end I am interested to see how it turns out as I've ended up liking this show more than I thought. It's mainly over its fantastic writing, its great episode, moments of Luz, the love scenes, but mainly on its ship of Luz and her girlfriend Amity Blight. To put it short, Amity starts as a rude and cruel person in the first season of the show. I thought I was gonna hate her, especially for how she was during the first few episodes she appears in. But through the course of the first season and the first part of season 2, she becomes nicer and more open to Luz and her friends. The only bad news I have to share that's happened to me lately is I recently tested positive for covid and had to social distance myself from my family for a week and a half til I tested negative last Tuesday. I'm perfectly fine now but was frightened that I got it. The day I tested positive I was the most frightened I had been since I was in the hospital in 2012 over a rare infection I got a week prior. If anyone is interested in learning the story of how I got the said infection and how it changed me, I can either share it in a private DM or another blog post for anyone interested. But another reason I was sad the day I tested positive it was my mom's 56th birthday. I'm planning on making it up for her in the coming week or 2 have my dad and sister who agreed to help. Now it's time to talk about the elephant in the room and if I might consider possibly returning to making fanfics since not only I made this blog post but also continue to be active on this site. The answer, I likely don't see myself returning to make fanfics again. I enjoyed my time making them when they lasted, but I've simply lost the motivation to do them. Plus, I was going through a lot in early 2022 that affected my writing and emotions. I had gotten a job which was both a great but also scary experience, I attended my dad's father's funeral and later another one when my mom's father passed of covid complaints. At where I currently am in life, I'm focusing more on my future and will eventually be moving out of the home I've been living in since I was born and starting the next chapter of my life living on my own. The process has been at a snail's pace with college and my job taking up my time these days, I'm still hard at work focusing on my future. But as I said in my last vlog, I'll continue to be active on this site, answer any comments and posts people make on my stories whether good or bad and continue to read many stories made by both the many friends I've made here and the followers I follow. I don't know how long I'll be on this site in the coming future, but 1 thing is certain. I'm not abandoning this site anytime soon as my love for fanfics has not died just yet. I hope you all are doing well and understand my choice for the future of my life and my time on this site. I'm thinking of maybe continuing these blog posts if enough people want to hear how I am but I'll see how it turns out as despite the huge amount of followers I've got, only a small portion of them has responded to these blogs. Til then, I'm going back to focusing on my future while at the same time figuring out what I want to do with my family this year while trying to be extra cautious with my health after surviving covid. And as the Owl House creator aka Dana Terrence would say, Byeeeeeeeeeeee. :raritywink:

Report ScisetShimmerEvan · 267 views · Story: Together Forever! ·
Comments ( 4 )


IT IS HIGHLY Recommended. (Even if you are now watching it)
It is VERY good.
It has a great story, great characters, great message, great animation, great everything.
Im also a fan of the Owl house and I fell in love with it after a few episodes...I think since the start of S2.
The creators behind it are very talented and deserve credit for their work.


The story is great and interesting. A girl ending up in a different world. Eh its been done a lot but the way the creators made it very interesting is amazing. The world building, a world of monster like creatures with witches and magic, living on a giant skeleton of a Titan and much more.
It wss also very good on its intriguing MYSTERIES that people wanted to figure out.
thats what kept many people watching.

It also had very great characters.
Eda, I like her. She's a very fun character and is funny. She makes funny jokes that make me laugh and the show fun. She's a great mother-like figure to Luz and truly cares about her, even if she doesn't show it.
King, He is just adorable. He is funny and cute to listen to. He acts all tuff and evil, but he has a big soft heart.
Amity, She is a great character. Yes, she started out as mean but she grew to be a better person and. And her time as a bully was good, because it showed that there are more to bullies than what we think. She was just alone and didn't know what she wanted in life. and when Luz came, she showed the good side of her.
This video will explain it better
Luz, She is an amazing character. She's fun, funny, likeable and relatable. She's funny, Loyal, generous and kind hearted.
She makes us laugh because of her personality, she's loyal and is always there to help her friends, she's generous in helping others and tries to show kindness to everyone.
We can also relate to her struggles she goes through. Not being liked and accepted because of who you are, and feeling like a failure for the mistakes you made.
I also LOVE Lumity. Its the BEST ship ive seen in my life.

The message/story is also great.
Luz wasn't well liked in school because of her weirdness that always got her into trouble, and she was being sent away to a summer camp to be "fixed". (And like to point out, even if her mom should've accepted of how she is and show support, she did what she thought was the best for her daughter. She truly loved her.)
She then ends up in a place where she decided to stay because she feels happy and accepted. Where poeple don't judge her on who she is and she found people who are like family who loves her. She felt like she belonged there and not in the human world.
But it also went into the consequences of Luz's actions. The difference between fantasy and real life. Luz acted reckless and not thinking that things have consequences, but it all bites her.
Its not bad to like fantasy stuff and act like yourself, but we do have to grow up at times and face reality. The world wont always be the way we view it.

It also had great animation and music. The animation was top notch with the fight scenes and world. I also like the end theme music, it was just catchy. This show was everything that a GOOD show is suppose to be, unlike Velma which did the complete opposite of everything.
And its the best show of Disney to have happened in years, along with with Amphibia.
But its unfortunetely been cancelled because it frickin "DOESN'T FIT THEIR BRAND."
If it doesn't fit your brand, then why was it created and aired in the first place!!!?
Even tho the show is cancelled, we will remember it as something great to have happened.

Besides that. I hope things go well for you and everything further.
If you WANT to make an Owl house fic, its welcomed. but its your choice if you want to or not.

Hope things go well and you find out what your future is. I've already found mine.
Stay safe and be happy

You really didn't have to mark it as spoiler but that's fine. Also, the show 'almost' got cancelled. It's still getting a proper ending, season 3 just got shorten is all. And second, as much as I'd like to make an owl House fanfic I've lost the motivation to make them. I'd rather let someone else do it over myself.

Spoiler for someone who hasn't seen it.
And its your decision if you want to.

I already said I've lost the motivation to write fanfics.

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