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  • 53 weeks
    Important Announcement

    Okay, now I know the title of the blog says, and I quote 'Important Announcement' it doesn't mean the one thing many people have asked me the last few months. "Will I return to making fanfics?" My answer is and still is no, and I'm sorry for anyone who was expecting I would. :fluttercry: I stopped making these things because of what was going on with my life and how I started to get less

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  • 74 weeks
    My thoughts on The Owl House Finale and the show in its entirety.

    Just a heads up, for anyone who is reading this, you are about to hear spoilers regarding the Disney channel tv show Owl House and its series finale. So if you are an Owl House fan and don't want to get spoiled or are simply not interested in reading this blog in particular, I recommend leaving now as I will be sharing my overall thoughts on the show entirely and the show's ending.


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  • 78 weeks
    Life update and how I've been doing.

    Hey everyone, been a while since I've made a blog since I retired from making fanfics back in November 2022. While it's only been 4 months since I published my last story which I left a link down below for anyone who hasn't read it yet, a lot has changed for me since then. For starters, I'm 21 years old now so I'm legally allowed to drink. I did try some on my birthday with my family and somewhat

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  • 96 weeks

    Well, it's official, I'm retired as a fanfic writer, and has been updated in my profile to all who see my account. I uploaded my final story yesterday, which many people are loving. I've been waiting to get this done for a while now and finally, it's complete! I never intended to do this for a long time when I first began in the fall of 2020 but of course, with what my life was going through when

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Important Announcement · 2:44am Sep 5th, 2023

Okay, now I know the title of the blog says, and I quote 'Important Announcement' it doesn't mean the one thing many people have asked me the last few months. "Will I return to making fanfics?" My answer is and still is no, and I'm sorry for anyone who was expecting I would. :fluttercry: I stopped making these things because of what was going on with my life and how I started to get less interested in making these stories. Plus, after 2022 started I had a lot of new things going on in life, such as the passing of both of my grandfathers, my new job and I had entered my 20s. As much as I liked making these stories I knew it couldn't last forever. And with time comes change. And as much as I hate it I do I have to accept it whenever I come across it. That's just how life is I'm afraid. :pinkiesad2: However, that hasn't meant I stopped writing. :ajsmug: And that's exactly what I'm sharing with you all today! So for the last 2 months, I've been hard at work making my first ever book. Yes, you heard me, I'm making a book! :raritystarry: It's not MLP or EQG related, it's the one thing I've always loved and been passionate about since I was a boy. Trains! Since I've told a lot of people, my friends and family, about it irl and via Discord yes I have an account, I thought about sharing a sneak peek of it. And right here is the cover art, which was done by a good friend of mine from Discord who was kind enough to make it for me. It also reveals the name of it for anyone wondering what it'll be about.

As much as I want to share the pdf/post it here, I'm not sure if I can if I did, people would have to ask me for access. Despite I always make sure to give people access to the stuff I make, half the time I somehow mess something up. :twilightblush: Still, if anyone does want to see the 'sneak peek', you can private message me via discord account EvanF1293 or send me a friend request if you'd like. I can be shy when meeting new people, but once you get to know me, you can understand some things you might not even know. :twilightsmile:

As for when the book will be complete that's something that I decided to change recently. When I first began 2 months ago, I decided on a December 2023 goal, so I could have it out and done in time for Christmas. But after I started my summer class back in mid-July, followed by many shifts at work I realized that I wouldn't be able to do all of this and meet my deadline. Instead, I'm going for a Spring 2024 goal. This way, I can work on the chapters when I can. When I am done with the book, which will be 22 chapters total, I can have someone I know proofread all of them and tell me what I need to change and or add. I am no professional at this, so take my work with a grain of salt. Still, if anyone is interested in notifying me of seeing a sneak peek of it, don't be shy to send me a message via Discord. I'm sure I'm going to be surprised when I do, but I have a feeling I'll get used to it if many people are willing to read my content again. :trollestia: That's all for now, til next time I'm SciSetShimmerEvan, signing off. :raritywink:

Report ScisetShimmerEvan · 385 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Thx. Nearing the halfway point. Hoping to achieve it by the end of 2023.

Good Luck with this endeavor. I hope to read it one day. Hopefully it will get published over here too.

I do plan on publishing to the public, though I'm not sure about worldwide. I mean, atm my only goal with it is to reach the mid point/chapter 11 by New Years, and find 2 more people so I have a total of 5 to be proof readers once I've completed all of it.

just yesterday I read your latest work and today you have returned with such good news!

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