Retirement · 11:13pm Nov 8th, 2022
Well, it's official, I'm retired as a fanfic writer, and has been updated in my profile to all who see my account. I uploaded my final story yesterday, which many people are loving. I've been waiting to get this done for a while now and finally, it's complete! I never intended to do this for a long time when I first began in the fall of 2020 but of course, with what my life was going through when I began this, I wasn't in the best shape. But now after a good 2 years of making content that many people are enjoying, meeting many great writers, and making friends here. While my time here as a fimfiction writer is over, I'll now be putting my focus on my life such as college and my job as I've been doing a mix of all three since January. But this won't mean I'll be leaving this site anytime soon. As I've said continuously, I don't know if I ever want to drift away from this site. It's made me happy, helped me during tough times, and even the occasional message from a fan on my content. This site has helped me continue to be a brony even after Equestria Girls got canceled following the end of G4. Now with G5, I'm liking where it's going and can see myself continuing to be one. MLP content aside, I'll still be here on the site responding to comments by people who read my stories and occasional messages. I'll also be making occasional blog posts too from time to time. But for now, I'm looking back at how much I've learned during my time as a fanfic writer and that it was quite the journey. While this isn't technically a goodbye, it's just until next time. I want to thank everyone who's read my stories and continues enjoying the many great stories this site has to offer. And like I always say, keep on steaming.
This is SciSetShimmerEvan signing off.
Thanks for everything!
Thanks for writing! Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay!
I have enjoyed your stories. You are a good friend. I will be following uou into retirement soon. It was a good run. I'm mot leaving the site either. TTYL.
have fun