• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Sunday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."

More Blog Posts264

  • 9 weeks
    The Painful Silence of Writing

    One problem that seems ineradicably fundamental to writing, or at least to the kind I'm attempting: frustratingly fiddly, and yet it has to be kept a secret.

    This is going to be a bit of an effusive confession, I'm afraid. Hopefully, I'll be in a better mood next time, but today...

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    7 comments · 171 views
  • 10 weeks

    This random product among hundreds mentioned on-site relates not at all totally to My Little Pony fanfiction and has a better chance of annoying someone on YouTube was designed by top market research analysts for your needs.

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    6 comments · 169 views
  • 12 weeks
    The Powerpuff Crusaders and the Love Day Episode

    It's not exactly a mind-blowing statement to claim that Friendship is Magic shares some Powerpuff Girls DNA (e.g. Blossom and Twilight are both powerful, socially responsible bookworm-type leaders). But "Hearts and Hooves Day" and "Keen on Keane" are, like, eerie déjà vu levels of similar.

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    6 comments · 148 views
  • 14 weeks
    "Rainbow Trendin' Dash": The Global Situation on LGBTQ+ Rights

    Since I generally prefer a global account to a narrower focus on a topic, let's give it a go! Graphs and links ahoy! In broad strokes, then; where in the world would a pro-LGBTQ+ citizen least want to stand?

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    4 comments · 238 views
  • 15 weeks
    "Calendar Chaos" is Now My Most Viewed Story!

    Pardon my narcissism, but... Currently sitting at 3,571 views, it's recently surpassed the old record-holder (Cutie Mark Espionage Agency at 3,565*), meaning 2018 stands above my 2011-2012 output.

    And can I just say, "Well, it's about time!"?

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"Ep-By-Step", a.k.a. "All Show and All Talk", a.k.a. A License to Shoot... the Breeze Sometime, You Know? · 11:01pm Aug 19th, 2022

Blog Number 183: Seeing Other Shows Edition

Basically: whenever I fancy, I aim to start a blog series about various shows I like and shoot the breeze casually, because I don't do "casual" often enough and/or because I want to. We cool?

I mean, I did mention once I'd like to talk about this show sometime. Not right now, but sometime.

Please allow me to explain:

In a prior blog post way back, I briefly talked about - and received recommendations for - various animated shows of interest. Quite a number of suggestions came up, and while I haven't followed through with all of them yet, I've seen a fair few.

:heart: iisaw and BlazzingInferno called it right: this series is cosiness incarnate. :heart:

While I didn't click with all of them, some of them definitely caught my imagination. I'd very much like to share that.

Yet this isn't just about new shows I've been introduced to (relatively) recently; I'd also like to talk about old shows I grew up with, or ones I discovered and appreciated well after the fact, because I like mix-'n'-matching, so why not?

Maybe it's just me, but this one surprisingly gets better with age.

You know what else I like doing? Just having an easygoing chat without feeling like I have to give it a good run-up every time. I've had this blog idea for a while, but I wasn't sure whether I should dive right in and hope people didn't mind the abruptness, or make a big song and dance about it and end up pushing my own "oh god how do I make this grand and perfect" button.

The shocking part? I only started getting into Genndy Tartakovsky's work - this masterpiece, specifically - a mere nine months ago.

Well, I'm not doing that. Last blog post wasn't just a dumb gag: I was also making a point to myself after the last few blog posts took a lot out of me. So instead of throwing an essay at you and spending the other half of the day scouting for pics, I'm just making a casual announcement, short and sweet. Don't want to overstay my welcome.

Well, I like... roughly 75% of it. That's gotta be worth something, right?

My announcement is this:

In the not-too-distant future, I'm gonna start a blog series about animated shows I like, not just MLP:FiM, and maybe format it around particular eps of interest. No review, no analysis, nothing so formal as that. Just me shooting the breeze and seeing what happens. I know. Me, being casual. Madness, am I right?

Yes, I actually watched the animated kiddie show of the Jurassic Park "reboot-sequel-remake-fanfic-film-thingy". Call me crazy, but I think I actually like it better than the films themselves...

Well, maybe a little "analysis", because part of the reason I want to do this is because other shows influence my writing as well, just as various books, films, real-life subjects, and personal events do, and I'm just as fascinated as anyone as to what certain types of show can teach us (either "Here's a neat trick!" or "You know that thing you just did? Yeah, don't do that...").

Boy, do I have controversial opinions about these two. Or do I? Only one way to find out...

Not right now, of course. This is more a heads-up in advance. I'm trying to give myself a license to just do it without feeling I have to spend a whole day per episode or series. These blog posts eat up a LOT of time, and that's without me fussing and re-fussing over them.

Honestly, I'd love to try it out and see how it fares. Call it an "experiment", if you will, just not the sort that breaks out of its containment unit and starts killing all the scientists in a tragic rampage.

Yes, I've gushed about the Bat once before, but that was for the show as whole. I want to do all the episodes justice... bat-to-bat. 🦇

And no, I'm not ashamed of that pun.
Well, maybe a little... :twilightblush:

(Also, what sounds better? "Ep-by-Step" or "All Show and All Talk"? I thought I'd give the blog series an overarching name, like the "Creature Feature" one a little way back.)

Anyway, that's all for now. Just wanted to make the announcement official. Till next time!

Impossible Numbers, out!

Comments ( 5 )

Also, I'm wondering about the spoiler policy, as not everyone's seen these shows. For each blog post, should I only bring up the warning within the bulk of the text, or should I stick a big "SPOILER" at the top where everyone can see it and take it as a given thereafter?

You could write something before the 'jump' like "There Will be Episode Spoilers for XXXXXX show after the jump. They will not be hidden behind spoiler tags." That said, if a blog post specifically states: "I am discussing YYYYYY series," people should inherently expect spoilers.

I think this is an excellent idea! :pinkiehappy:


Safer to do that big "SPOILER" text as part of the title.

Also, just wondering, will there be a bit branching to anime or just general animated series news?


I think I'll stick it above the page break, in large friendly letters (natch).

Also, just wondering, will there be a bit branching to anime or just general animated series news?

I'm not actually that well-versed in anime: Digimon was very much a rare exception. So no anime-specific blog posts, at least none that I have planned at the moment.

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