• Member Since 12th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Impossible Numbers

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, Old Time is still a-flying, And this same flower that smiles today, Tomorrow will be dying."

More Blog Posts264

  • 2 weeks
    The Painful Silence of Writing

    One problem that seems ineradicably fundamental to writing, or at least to the kind I'm attempting: frustratingly fiddly, and yet it has to be kept a secret.

    This is going to be a bit of an effusive confession, I'm afraid. Hopefully, I'll be in a better mood next time, but today...

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    7 comments · 147 views
  • 4 weeks

    This random product among hundreds mentioned on-site relates not at all totally to My Little Pony fanfiction and has a better chance of annoying someone on YouTube was designed by top market research analysts for your needs.

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    6 comments · 152 views
  • 5 weeks
    The Powerpuff Crusaders and the Love Day Episode

    It's not exactly a mind-blowing statement to claim that Friendship is Magic shares some Powerpuff Girls DNA (e.g. Blossom and Twilight are both powerful, socially responsible bookworm-type leaders). But "Hearts and Hooves Day" and "Keen on Keane" are, like, eerie déjà vu levels of similar.

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    6 comments · 136 views
  • 7 weeks
    "Rainbow Trendin' Dash": The Global Situation on LGBTQ+ Rights

    Since I generally prefer a global account to a narrower focus on a topic, let's give it a go! Graphs and links ahoy! In broad strokes, then; where in the world would a pro-LGBTQ+ citizen least want to stand?

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    4 comments · 205 views
  • 8 weeks
    "Calendar Chaos" is Now My Most Viewed Story!

    Pardon my narcissism, but... Currently sitting at 3,571 views, it's recently surpassed the old record-holder (Cutie Mark Espionage Agency at 3,565*), meaning 2018 stands above my 2011-2012 output.

    And can I just say, "Well, it's about time!"?

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    4 comments · 92 views

Followup: Image Issue Seems to Be Fixed Now · 9:58pm April 1st

Just checked. Embedded images seem to be working again.

Seriously, though, what was that?

Report Impossible Numbers · 86 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

An April Fools day prank by FimFiction, I heard.
Hard to believe, as it doesn't sound like much of a good hearted joke. Maybe it was just a glitch.


I hope it wasn't a joke. I've been going around sounding alarms in case it was a genuine problem.

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