Fic Illustrations, Open for Scene Suggestion · 4:26pm Jun 17th, 2022
Hey, long time no post! Okay, maybe not that long, but it has been a few months since I've posted anything. I don't really have an excuse for that, I just sorta... Stopped writing? The next Shadow of a Doubt chapter's been nearly done for months, though the chapter after that has been a bit difficult to plan out.
Anyway! Onto the topic of the blog title!
Fanfic illustrations. Something I've been hoping to do for a while, but haven't. Admittedly, I've been a bit burnt out on ponies over the last few months, but I think I'm feeling better now. Definitely thinking about Sombra & Starlight again, so I'd be up to drawing them. But the thing is, I'm not entirely sure what scenes to draw!
So that's what I'm here for, to ask you what scenes do you want illustrated? I'd love to do at least one per chapter, and I do have a few scenes in mind to draw, but I think it'd be fun to see what other people might have in mind.
I'm also open to suggestions for Days of the Dead/No Second Chances as well! Really need to update that one too...
Ooh, illustrations? ๐
A drawing of Radiant hope talking with Scorpan maybe? And the scene with Sombra staring down Starswirl.
Sombra cuddling Starlight of course.
When Sombra used the fear gaze on himself. (Starlight perspective)
And Starlight grooming scene. (With horror and mad blush on Starlight when Sunburst walked in on them)