• Member Since 30th Jul, 2019
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I'm just here to have a good time and write

More Blog Posts38

  • 139 weeks
    Fic Illustrations, Open for Scene Suggestion

    Hey, long time no post! Okay, maybe not that long, but it has been a few months since I've posted anything. I don't really have an excuse for that, I just sorta... Stopped writing? The next Shadow of a Doubt chapter's been nearly done for months, though the chapter after that has been a bit difficult to plan out.


    Anyway! Onto the topic of the blog title!

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    3 comments · 489 views
  • 160 weeks
    You can now read Made With Love in Russian!

    Thanks to KolyanGOLD, for the first time ever, one of my stories has been translated for the first time! I'm not actually sure how many people who follow me will read it in Russian, but seeing as it's the first time one of my stories has been translated, it's a neat little accomplishment.

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    0 comments · 301 views
  • 177 weeks
    Story updates, + some other non-story stuff

    First of all, if you haven't seen yet, look what updated for the first time in a year! New cover art and everything, I'd never been too big of a fan of the old art, it was never my best... Though I forgot to leave room for the title, oops. I'll figure that out eventually. It's also blurry, for some reason. The art is not like that when clicked on or sourced, however.

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    7 comments · 295 views
  • 189 weeks
    Would anyone be interested if I offered writing commissions

    It's never been a thing I'd considered too much, I've always considered writing harder than art, but the last blog wasn't actually the end of my money troubles... I'm not desperate for money, I have food and a place to live, but I am jobless and would like to have some money saved for emergencies. There's been a lot of those lately. All pets are fine though! Just... Anxious now, after

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    8 comments · 403 views
  • 194 weeks
    I don't really have a title for this

    So if anyone remembers, back in February my cats all caught colds, and I was particularly worried about one of them, Reeses. Thankfully, they all recovered, but I still really needed to take Reeses to the vet because I was worried about her.

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Story updates, + some other non-story stuff · 12:09am Sep 22nd, 2021

First of all, if you haven't seen yet, look what updated for the first time in a year! New cover art and everything, I'd never been too big of a fan of the old art, it was never my best... Though I forgot to leave room for the title, oops. I'll figure that out eventually. It's also blurry, for some reason. The art is not like that when clicked on or sourced, however.

TNo Second Chances
It's not easy, keeping the truth of the dead secret.
MayhemMoth · 15k words  ·  57  5 · 1.3k views

Anyway! After a year of nothing, the story had some changes made. Most are for yet to be written chapters, but there are a few things of note:

  • Flicker Fade has been retconned from being a guard, to being a chef (and may have developed a personality that may need me to add a new tag to the story...)
  • Jack Pine has been retconned from being a guard, to being a gardener, but this has yet to be addressed in story
  • Luna has been added! I didn't actually consider doing anything with her, but then I got an idea after seeing some headcanons and decided to use her
  • ...That's it so far, actually!

And, speaking of the OCs of the story... they can now be seen on the cover art, and 3 of the 4 have been given actual references! Lullaby is currently the only one lacking art, but these three are the ones with a story connection to each other. Jack Pine, Flicker Fade, & Deadbolt.

Lullaby's ref will be done eventually. I was going to wait to post them all at once, but hey, I have a couple more characters to introduce and draw, so I'll just do it slowly. Maybe make another blog with a bit more info once they're all done.

And now, in non-story related things... I might have a job! I applied to a place nearby for an extra hand for the holidays, and as of now I'm mostly just waiting for a phone call for training, so wish me luck on that! The job will only last for the month of October, but considering I've been jobless since about 2017, this is a pretty big deal for me. I'd say a job might interfere with my writing progress, but I'm not particularly quick at that anyway, am I?

I've also reopened Dissected Commissions, which weren't particularly popular here, but on the chance anyone is you can find the information for them on my Twitter.

(Also I might be having computer issues, oops)

Anyway, that's about it! Hope you're all looking forward to the new movie this Friday! It's good to have more pony, don't you think? I have no art to add today, so please enjoy this picture of Izzy having a sip on the way home from grocery shopping.

Comments ( 7 )

Yay! Good luck on your job! :pinkiehappy:

  • Luna has been added! I didn't actually consider doing anything with her, but then I got an idea after seeing some headcanons and decided to use her

>Luna and Sombra in a story

It was bound to happen eventually, and with a bit of time I realized 'wait this is actually the perfect opportunity to have these two interact'

All it took was Sombra dying

why you gotta do the boy dirty like that

It's Twilight's fault

Again, so glad to see you back to writing, really hope things go well with your job too!

(also love how Jack Pine looks like a stoner :trollestia:)


also love how Jack Pine looks like a stoner

I'd just like to say that was not my intention, but also this comment made me laugh

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