• Member Since 25th Mar, 2015
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The Hat Man

Specialties include comedy, robots, and precision strikes to your feelings. Hobbies include hat and watch collecting. May contain alcohol.

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THREE new tales in "Scenes From A Hat!" · 3:47pm Sep 26th, 2021

You read that right! I've been holding on to a few here, but they've gotten a bit of polish and revision and they're ready for consumption over on "Scenes From A Hat!" They are:

  • Yaksidentally in Love - A bit of cute shipping between Sandbar and Yona.
  • A Change Would Do You Good - In which Smolder confides a certain unease she feels to Ocellus (dang, I was on a Student Six kick for a bit!).
  • Song of Cicadas - A contemplative, poetic piece about Granny Smith, the time between seasons, and the passage of time.
Comments ( 1 )

I'm not sure when I'll get to them, but hopefully soon! Thanks for writing!

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