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Undome Tinwe

Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you/Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused.

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Everfree Northwest 2021 Retrospective · 6:33pm Aug 16th, 2021

Everfree Northwest 2021 had approximately 1/6th the attendance of Bronycon 2019.

Thank goodness.

I actually felt like I could breathe at this con (albeit through a mask). I had enough time to spend with people, and by the last day, while I was sad to say goodbye, I felt content with what I had achieved in these 4 magical days. I definitely prefer this low-key atmosphere to the frenetic energy of the Last Bronycon.

Anyways the main highlight of the con was Mono's booth turning into the default hangout spot for writers in the absence of Quills and Sofas. I'm sure we all made for great assistants and totally weren't tripping over each other all the time trying to actually get merchandise from point A to point B.

Not too much to say beyond that besides it was absolutely wonderful to see everyone, and I hope to see you all again either at BABS or the next EFNW.

Until then, may you be guided by the RariLight.

Report Undome Tinwe · 350 views · #efnw
Comments ( 4 )

Yeah, the lower population density was definitely one of the many, many nice things about the con. Good seeing you there!

Definitely liked being with all of you, in addition to the less crowded conditions. It’s a terrific con and a great venue. I know I’ll be back next year!

Glad you had a good time. :)

It was great to be back at a convention again! Glad you enjoyed it too :twilightsmile:

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