• Member Since 26th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen February 28th


Was inspired to write, and write shall I do.

More Blog Posts27

  • 179 weeks
    Canonical differences in the biology between species in my story

    Size differences between species. Imagine an average 1. 75 cm human. Not bad eh? Well, ponies are amongst the smallest ones. An avarage pony if standing on its hind hooves and being as tall as possible would reach to its chest height. They are pretty small. A minotaur is just five centimeters shorter than that avarage human. So, 1. 70 cm not counting the horns. The average Diamond dogs are a head

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    The main characters in my story!

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  • 191 weeks
    Well I have been absent...

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  • 196 weeks

    Have fun in hell Kody

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Canonical differences in the biology between species in my story · 3:35pm Feb 16th, 2021

Size differences between species. Imagine an average 1. 75 cm human. Not bad eh? Well, ponies are amongst the smallest ones. An avarage pony if standing on its hind hooves and being as tall as possible would reach to its chest height. They are pretty small. A minotaur is just five centimeters shorter than that avarage human. So, 1. 70 cm not counting the horns. The average Diamond dogs are a head shorter than the average human. The average Drakes are around seven centimiters taller than the average human. So, 1. 82 centimiters. The Yaks reach around chest height without needing to stand on their hind hooves. Changelings and Kirins are the same height as ponies. Cows are not sentient, and the events of the movie will not have happened in my story. The cat people are cannon though, and they are the same height as Diamond Dogs. Celestia would be at shoulder height of the man without standing on her hind hooves not counting the horn. Luna is half a head shorter than Celestia.

These are all theoretical average male weights:

Humans: 80 kgs

Ponies: 45 kgs (Earth Ponies are 52 kgs)

Minotaurs: 90 kgs

Diamond Dogs: 70 kgs (The Diamond Dogs in my story are considerably different physiology than the ones shown in the show, since the show ones look way too round and look slightly deformed for my liking, with no offense.)

Cats: 60 kgs

Yaks: 140 kgs

Changelings: 40 kgs

Kirins: 55 kgs

Drakes: 86 kgs

More precise lore, and reasoning as to why some species are not as strong as the show puts them as: If you want to find out in my story (That I am taking too long to update), I do not recommend you to read the text marked as spoiler= (SPOILER) Since Humans have developed in a world without magic, they had to adapt to survive. However, the magical creatures of Equestria, specially ponies, do not have such a dire need to grow as physically capable as Humans since magic makes creatures incredibly strong or durable. Instead, they need to develop their magic capabilities and brains instead of their bodies. So, instead of wasting precious calories on the physical body that can already gain super strength thanks to magic, when it can use them to develop the brain and magical capabilities of the species. So any and all sapient creatures in Equestria have slow twitch muscles, and they do not waste those calories on the investment heavy fast twitch muscles. Humans have slow twitch muscles too, however they are slightly less slow twitch than a pony, since ponies rely on their magic. And if a human had fast twitch muscles, they would be terrifyingly strong and fast. So, for pound to pound, Humans are a miniscule amount denser and stronger than most sapient species in Equestria. That's not to say that it is impossible for even a Pony to be stronger than a Human, it is just that on a purely physical enviroment, a Human would fare a lot better than here on the Planet Earth. (SPOILER)

What do you think of my reasonings as to why there are this differences between species. Comment down below to tell me what you think.

Comments ( 2 )

Please comment to me what you think.

This is quite interesting. I enjoy an in-depth look at the impact magic would have on the world.

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