• Member Since 26th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen February 28th


Was inspired to write, and write shall I do.

More Blog Posts27

  • 179 weeks
    Canonical differences in the biology between species in my story

    Size differences between species. Imagine an average 1. 75 cm human. Not bad eh? Well, ponies are amongst the smallest ones. An avarage pony if standing on its hind hooves and being as tall as possible would reach to its chest height. They are pretty small. A minotaur is just five centimeters shorter than that avarage human. So, 1. 70 cm not counting the horns. The average Diamond dogs are a head

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  • 189 weeks

    I updated my story! It is not dead anymore!

    1 comments · 250 views
  • 190 weeks
    The main characters in my story!

    Alright, so I will tell you guys some lore and history about the world, as well as me explaining some characters, and how they will be. As you may have noticed, I have a group of spaniard teenagers as my protagonist. They all seem pretty similar, but they aren’t. They haven’t had enough time to develop, but in here I will explain how they are, their personalities, etcetera. But keep this in mind;

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  • 191 weeks
    Well I have been absent...

    I am very sorry to my followers. I really want to continue my story, and I will! It is just that I did not have time, and the moments that I had time I didn't have passion to write. I want to apologize to my readers, and I swear that I will not dissapoint. I really do have some big things planned with my story! Also,fifteen likes! Thank you all so much! Also, Bad Dragon, if you see this, you are

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  • 196 weeks

    Have fun in hell Kody

    13 comments · 330 views

The main characters in my story! · 2:54pm Dec 3rd, 2020

Alright, so I will tell you guys some lore and history about the world, as well as me explaining some characters, and how they will be. As you may have noticed, I have a group of spaniard teenagers as my protagonist. They all seem pretty similar, but they aren’t. They haven’t had enough time to develop, but in here I will explain how they are, their personalities, etcetera. But keep this in mind; they’re all a bit fucking weird, man. So, lets start:

Alfredo: This dude is probably the weirdest guy in the group. He is pretty damn unpredictable. Short in stature, not really strong, black, swirly hair and brown eyes, naturally white skin, he is smarter that what he looks and acts. He usually knows what to do in situations, but doesn’t really like to talk. This guy is just bizarre, and he will sometimes do apparently random things, but he never harms anyone unless he has to and he is very loyal. The weapons he will acquire in some point of the journey are: SPOILERS a special combat made slingshot and a scimitar. As a side note, they’re all spaniards, despite the various choice of weaponry in our group.

Sebastián: Sebastián is not directly smart, though he is not stupid, but he is cunning yet hot headed. Normal height, blonde, slightly swirly hair, and average strength, he knows what to do in each situation like Alfredo, but he is never afraid to say what he thinks. He is brave, but not stupid, yet he doesn’t take insults and confrontations well. He was raised in a bit of a harsh environment in home, but it never reached to the point of abuse. The weapons he will acquire in some point of the journey are: SPOILERS dual knives and pocket knives, along with push daggers, some made of wood and others made of metal.

Hugo: While he may not seem very smart, in reality he is surprisingly smart, it’s just that he doesn’t handle surprises well at all. He has asperger, so he has trouble communicating his thoughts, but when he is comfortable he can communicate with no trouble, and he doesn’t need help with the common household stuff, but he needs a bit of help from time to time. He may seem mean, but he’s very nice, funny and emotional. Appearance wise, he is average in height, very strong, tanned skin, long black hair to the point it almost looks emo, but it doesn’t and very dark brown eyes. He always cares for his friends, and wouldn’t want to loose them for nothing. Do note, he’s a bit crazy, and has a lot of imagination. The weapon he already acquired in his journey is: a pretty darn good quality stick, or, as Hugo likes to call it, “The indestructible stick of strength”, which I already posted a foto of in another blog . P.S. Hugo is Christian/Catholic, had to say that real quick.

Felipe: Easily the sanest person in the group, Felipe’s quite shy. He wears glasses, and has a bit of trouble speaking because of a speaking condition, but he has aapted to it. He isn’t really strong, a bit weak in fact, because he has asthma, but it has gotten better over the years. He is really smart, and he is a man of the electronics, but he is very loyal to his friends and cares for them a lot. He has a long, barely noticeable swirly black hair, and a pale white skin. He is very tall, like, a head and a half taller than Hugo, for example. He really doesn’t like violence, but if he has to fight, he will. The weapons he will acquire at some point in the journey are: SPOILERS a shield and a pique, as a request from my friend, reminiscent of Don Quixote, but not mad at all.

Gabriel: Loud. This word would perfectly describe him. The other one would be friendly. He is quite the trouble maker. He smokes and drinks, and can be very mean to the people he doesn’t like, yet will always have his bro’s back. He is actually equally short to Alfredo, but he doesn’t seem to since he has a much, well, louder and noticeable personality. He has the swirliest hair of the group, and it’s brown in coloration, and his eyes are also brown. His skin is also tan. He is strong physically, but tires quickly. He has a lot of hair everywhere, and knows a shit ton of things about chemistry. The weapons he will acquire at some point in the journey are: SPOILERS a light crossbow that can be carried in one hand, a spikeless metal maze in the other and acidic potions that he can throw.

Julio: Julio is actually quite shy, but around his friends he is very open. He likes anime (all the boys do, except Samuel), and his favorite is JoJo. He is as strong as Hugo, and they respect each other immensely. He has a hair that he is really proud of and he takes great care of, since it is of a nice dark brown coloration and it points to the sky while not looking ridiculous. He has light brown eyes and tanned skin. He is also very loyal (All of the boys are). He has the same height as Hugo, and people usually confuse them as brothers since they get along so well, same skin color, same strength, same height, etc, which really pisses both Hugo and Julio off. The weapons he will acquire at some point of the adventure are: SPOILERS a pair of metal pieces that work as poorly made american fist, and he basically punches things with it. He loves them since they remind him of Jojo so much. He also isn’t stupid.

Samuel: Debatebly the smartest of the group, Samuel can also be a fucking idiot, like the rest of the group. None of them are stupid, but they are teenagers, so some slack should be cut off them. He likes to say really smart things, but he says them in a joking manner, but, when he’s serious, he usually knows what he is talking about. He is atheist, and he likes to make fun of Hugo with the running joke they had throughout the years saying “God doesn’t exist” and all of that, but Hugo knows it’s a joke. Hugo punches Samuel nevertheless, but not in a painful manner. He has black hair, glasses, a bit on the short side, and normal on the strength department, with a pale white skin. He is the most recent to be introduced to the group, but a couple of years have passed nonetheless since the group met with Samuel. The weapons he will acquire in the journey are: SPOILERS a flail that is attached to a long stick and with spikes, a long wip and a metal claw that somewhat fits his hand.

This is all for the moment, and do not worry, they will develop. I really hope I can entertain you all. Tell me your thoughts about this!

P.S. They are all crazy and make a lot of edgy jokes and says shit that they describe as “needing to have a minimum of sixty years to listen to”.

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