• Member Since 26th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen February 28th


Was inspired to write, and write shall I do.

More Blog Posts27

  • 179 weeks
    Canonical differences in the biology between species in my story

    Size differences between species. Imagine an average 1. 75 cm human. Not bad eh? Well, ponies are amongst the smallest ones. An avarage pony if standing on its hind hooves and being as tall as possible would reach to its chest height. They are pretty small. A minotaur is just five centimeters shorter than that avarage human. So, 1. 70 cm not counting the horns. The average Diamond dogs are a head

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    2 comments · 318 views
  • 189 weeks

    I updated my story! It is not dead anymore!

    1 comments · 250 views
  • 190 weeks
    The main characters in my story!

    Alright, so I will tell you guys some lore and history about the world, as well as me explaining some characters, and how they will be. As you may have noticed, I have a group of spaniard teenagers as my protagonist. They all seem pretty similar, but they aren’t. They haven’t had enough time to develop, but in here I will explain how they are, their personalities, etcetera. But keep this in mind;

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    0 comments · 217 views
  • 191 weeks
    Well I have been absent...

    I am very sorry to my followers. I really want to continue my story, and I will! It is just that I did not have time, and the moments that I had time I didn't have passion to write. I want to apologize to my readers, and I swear that I will not dissapoint. I really do have some big things planned with my story! Also,fifteen likes! Thank you all so much! Also, Bad Dragon, if you see this, you are

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    3 comments · 251 views
  • 196 weeks

    Have fun in hell Kody

    13 comments · 330 views

Well I have been absent... · 9:38am Nov 25th, 2020

I am very sorry to my followers. I really want to continue my story, and I will! It is just that I did not have time, and the moments that I had time I didn't have passion to write. I want to apologize to my readers, and I swear that I will not dissapoint. I really do have some big things planned with my story! Also,fifteen likes! Thank you all so much! Also, Bad Dragon, if you see this, you are a cool dude. Don't forget that. That is all!

Comments ( 3 )

You’re back!

I was always here. Just absent. Thank you for the welcome though!

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