Happy Early Star Days! · 1:31am Feb 12th, 2021
Holy shit this is why I love Warframe!
Your girl earned her wings! The Angel of Death has a new look...
There is no salvation for your crime...
Just a skinny white guy from Montana, I think ponies and guns are the best inventions in life.
Holy shit this is why I love Warframe!
Your girl earned her wings! The Angel of Death has a new look...
There is no salvation for your crime...
I had forgotten ephemeras could be equiped on operators...
*mad scientist laugher*
What kind ephemera is that or unless that's a mod I'm a Warframe nerd so I'm just curious and by the way keep up with the story I really love it.
It’s a ephemera that you can get during the event that is going on right now in warframe