• Member Since 27th Nov, 2015
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Just a skinny white guy from Montana, I think ponies and guns are the best inventions in life.

More Blog Posts37

  • 176 weeks
    Never Forget.

    I've never done a blog on this particular day because I have my own way of honoring those that were killed during the terrorist attacks of 9/11.

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    2 comments · 484 views
  • 178 weeks
    Guess it was only a matter of time.

    I just got confirmed today that I caught the Covid-19. Which I more or less had confirmed myself when my sense of smell started to deteriorate. I think I know who I caught it from from, but they didn't know at the time and were feeling healthy and I had only been in contact with them for a total of like, ten minutes over the course of a six hour period, outside, with generally five to six feet

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    2 comments · 268 views
  • 206 weeks
    Happy Early Star Days!

    Holy shit this is why I love Warframe!

    Your girl earned her wings! The Angel of Death has a new look...
    There is no salvation for your crime...

    4 comments · 342 views
  • 209 weeks
    This is why I hate beurocracy.

    Exactly as it says and why I really have issues with big government. Along with why I think most of what is going on in the U.S. is a farce and only getting worse each day. This is also this is one of the biggest reasons why the government does not care about its people and only about lining their pockets. Because today, 1/19/2021, I finally got my first stimulus payment. Almost a year

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    10 comments · 322 views
  • 226 weeks
    I'm so sick of the political toxicity in this community.

    Exactly as the title states.
    I'm also just venting a bit. I remember when this community was all about love and tolerance, but the second it gets political, all the things we used to say and stand by just go right out the window. Jeez, reminds me this guy, who left the community because of the toxicity.

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    10 comments · 430 views

I'm so sick of the political toxicity in this community. · 5:20am Sep 22nd, 2020

Exactly as the title states.
I'm also just venting a bit. I remember when this community was all about love and tolerance, but the second it gets political, all the things we used to say and stand by just go right out the window. Jeez, reminds me this guy, who left the community because of the toxicity.
I mean, there is a reason I have kept politics out of my blog posts. Because I am just baffled and I'm sick of hearing it at the end of the day. Jeez, you say the wrong thing in this day and age and it's straight to the hard accusations and you aren't allowed to defend yourself. I liked it better when you could have a rational conversation with people that didn't devolve into name calling and petty insults. All I want to do is come to what is left of this community and read a bit. Not listen to random politics about why x-thing is bad and here is why we should be afraid and should vote and yadda yadda yadda... all things we have heard a billion times since we can't seem to get away from it. I'm sick of it, it kills my mood, and leaves me in one of the worst types of exhaustion possible.
This is probably going to be the only 'political' thing I ever put on here and it will stay pretty much neutral. People have differing opinions, accept it and don't just jump right to wacky and rather absurd conclusions. Please!
That's all.

And maybe keep politics out of here if you don't like someone elses opinion?

Comments ( 10 )

I have only ever experienced one toxic person (hamster i believe his name was) and as far as i know he was banned. Tho i don't havr your experiences so ill just wish you luck

I feel you.

To be honest, just try your hardest not to focus on politics and the opinions of others. Though this obviously much harder said than done.

2020 so far has been the best year of my life since I mostly stopped giving a crap about politics.

Let everyone focus on this bullshit, while you focus on yourself and level up.

The most toxicity I see usually comes from what can be called "SJWs" (they go by many different names and factions but the general ideas, attitudes, and authoritarian nature are the same) and the MLP Fandom is full of them for a variety of reasons. The general "toxicity" comes from a cult-like need to purity test others to make sure they remain lock step in the political war they've set up, and to out, doxx, harass, and gaslight anything that goes counter to their ideas. (I've been seeing shit like this since 2012, so it's not a suprise to me. I just expect it now.)

The only way to get rid of them is to ban them outright, but the site admins refuse to do that. They're kinda sympathetic to the cult's ideas. So unless you create and personally own a platform, you kinda have to deal with these people and block them when you can.

Jeez, it is a struggle to keep my mouth shut with how political I am at times. But this might just have to be the one platform I just don't say anything on. Even when I stay neutral or just won't support something for a simple reason, it's like I kicked a lion and the den came after me.
I wish people could just grow up and act like adults.


How old are you?

Because most adults act like this, if not worse haha.



Also, you have to remember that many, many bronies are like this.


Getting mad over what they say becomes a lot simpler when you remember this fact haha

It's not a secret we're currently living in a cultural civil war and we know who the radicalized zealots are if you've been around the internet for a number of years. People that aren't smooth brains hate them with a passion, but because they supposedly represent some "oppressed" "minority" with the backing of huge corporations, they got emboldened that they're now terrorists who will destroy people's lives using mob tactics.

There's no real answer to being an "adult" here. It's a war. The only real answer is how brutal you want to go into that war.

Yup, and that's why I usually never post Brony shit anywhere else. :rainbowlaugh:

Ain't that the truth.


Yup, and that's why I usually never post Brony shit anywhere else. :rainbowlaugh:

Haha. I'll post MLP stuff everywhere. My profile picture on a popular MMA site for a while was the cutest pic of Twilight I could find.

To be honest, if you're *that* kind of a guy in the picture, you're gonna be bullied even if you're not a brony. And if you're cool, then you can wear a MLP shirt in public and no one will say anything outside of a joke or two.

I've literally flirted with girls using MLP in person lol.

Examples of the Toxicness are

-Willful incoherence
...and above all things... DENIAL. (Of how the world really works, and how Friendship cannot solve all things, and not every ending will be happy)

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