• Member Since 25th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Sunlight Rays

Love is Love, Pride is Pride, People is People. Be who you are, for there are no wrong answers in who you want to be. 21 yo trans girl, bi/poly.

More Blog Posts109

  • 49 weeks
    The Colors We Paint: the Thought Process Behind Writing "The Colors We Wish For"

    Hello, Sunlight Rays here, and I’m here with another Writing Of blog post. It’s been a hot minute since the last time I did this; I didn’t do this for… More than two years. Jeez. But I feel the need to write a blog post accompanying this new story of mine. As in, I have to write this. Because this is the most personal story I’ve written since End of the Line, and The

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    0 comments · 107 views
  • 146 weeks
    It never gets easier...

    Hey guys, Sunlight Rays here, and I'm back with another blog.

    It might as well be the last blog post I make in a very long while.

    It's... well, this ain't easy no matter how many times I do it. It never gets easier. I don't think it ever will. But it has to be done, doesn't it? So I'll do it. It's going to be painful, but I'll still do it.

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    10 comments · 340 views
  • 148 weeks
    August Report: Lots of Things to Come

    Hey guys, Sunlight Rays here, and I'm back for a brief update on how things are going.

    The last blog was a bit of a vent, and I apologize if I made anyone uncomfortable with it. I assure you I'm feeling better. Not substantially, but at least by a bit.

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  • 150 weeks
    Status Report: Sick of Myself

    Sunlight Rays here, with another blog post.

    As you can most likely tell from the title, I am not doing so well. I don't lie with the titles I make, after all.

    Recent events have had me think about myself: about the things I've done, both to others and myself, and their consequences, about how I've constantly failed others' and my own expectations.

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  • 152 weeks
    April ~ June Wrap Up: Three In One Package

    Alright, it's been a very, very long time since the last time I did anything like this. It was for a good reason, too, as we all know. (wink wink)

    But all in all, since I restarted writing back in April, let's start counting the words from there, shall we?

    April 24th: 1035
    25th: 1
    26th: 302
    27th: 20
    28th: 90
    29th: 178
    30th: 187
    May 1st: 0
    2nd: 584
    3rd: 126
    4th: 3
    5th: 0

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Simp Wars Ep.1: The Last Decree by Zontan · 6:43pm Nov 13th, 2020

So far we've seen a lot of fics where Twilight rules as the leader of Equestria. A lot where Twilight steps down after her reign. But it's hard to find one where Twilight is forced to leave the throne behind, and it's even harder to find one where her emotions during the whole process are so well captured. So you wouldn't be surprised if I said I have yet to find one that matches both criteria.


Well, what do you know? I found one. I present to you, The Last Decree by Zontan

EThe Last Decree
We, the ponies of New Canterlot, do hereby dissolve the position of Monarch of Equestria, stripping it of all rights and privileges, effective immediately.
Zontan · 1.4k words  ·  906  33 · 9.1k views

...do hereby dissolve the position of Monarch of Equestria, stripping it of all rights and privileges, effective immediately.

Twilight touched her hoof to the blinking indicator. There was a hum, and a green ring flashed around her hoof, followed by words flowing onto the page.

Signed, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Monarch of Equestria.

So in my previous blog, I wrote about how I came to write Three Tenses of Friendship. Well, Zontan's story played a huge part in making the story become one you see right now. The idea of Twilight being forced out of her throne by her much-more advanced subjects was a fresh revelation, one I had yet to encounter before. The concept of an advanced Equestrian society leaving its monarch behind played a part in inspiring the concept of Twilight abdicating in Three Tenses of Friendship, where I twisted the idea from Zontan's story and made it that Twilight was stepping down of her own volition, having decided that her job was done and staying in power longer would only hinder the nation's development.

But even without the novel concept, the writing of the story is top-notch. Zontan, as mentioned earlier, expertly captures Twilight's emotions throughout the story, from her initial reaction of crazed laughter to being stripped of her title to the exchange with Celestia and Luna at the end. The description of the universe the story is set in feels seamless, especially since various technical terms are tightly welded into the plot and the characters' actions without showing any signs of awkwardness or being out of place.

All in all, The Last Decree brings to us an emotional, soundly-structured story combined with a futuristic setting. I would say it's definitely worthy of a read, especially so if you're looking for stories detailing how Twilight would fare after ruling Equestria for centuries like her predecessors.

Alright, that's about it for this blog, and I'll see you around.

SunlightRays out.

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