• Member Since 10th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen Apr 2nd, 2024


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More Blog Posts817

  • 41 weeks
    I'll be banned from the site again

    Due to, of course, more transphobia and disagreeing with site-majority opinions, I have been informed that I will be kicked off the site permanently starting tomorrow. I have prepared a farewell message in the comments below.

    78 comments · 3,453 views
  • 41 weeks
    Happy Easter!

    And to those who don't celebrate Easter, too bad, I'm going to impose it on you. Happy Easter. Jesus Christ died for you too, and because He rose from the dead, so can we all.

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    12 comments · 609 views
  • 41 weeks
    Fluttershy and the Lava Demon: A Tale of Friendship

    My first AI art post. It isn't my art, since a computer for Bing generated it, but I had to share. And I always follow a strict "lacerate-demons-on-the-spot-with-a-shotgun-and-chainsaw" policy, but I can make an exception for this one.

    Fluttershy bravely staring down a demon of lava and metal

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    3 comments · 264 views
  • 42 weeks
    Artificial Intelligence

    "Bradybunch, everyone's already given their opinions on it!" Yeah, I know. But before I left the site for two years for a mission, AI was barely cohesive enough to give slurred and static-like voice replication, nonsensical chatbots, and meaningless swirls of shape and color for art. Then, all of a sudden, AI got really good, so I had to try it out. I'm using Bing's AI image generation, which is

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    5 comments · 363 views
  • 42 weeks
    LOTR will never be equaled.

    I was thinking about it while playing Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. (My brother gifted them to me for my birthday.) And honestly, the more I reflected on it, the more it made sense. There's a few things that compare in literary achievement, like Dune, but it never made it into modern public consciousness until, like, three years ago. And besides, LOTR wasn't just popular or good-- it

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    4 comments · 268 views

NNN day 5 · 12:30am Nov 6th, 2020

I've been wounded, but I'll march on. One out of four days isn't bad. The key is perseverance, and I won't allow a past failure decide my victory in the future.

It was another day of boredom. 2020 has been simultaneously the most exciting and the most boring year I've ever experienced. On the macrocosm, everything is about as chaotic as we can comprehend, but in our personal lives, we can't do much of anything. With boredom comes temptation, however, so this must be avoided. And the Lord rewards the industrious and charitable.

There may be some of you who, when their brother asks for bread, will give them a stone. Or if they ask for a jelly bean, will give them a black one. Or, when they ask for music, you play your mixtape instead of good music. You get the idea. But the quality of the gifts you give can determine the quality of the gifts the Lord gives you. Are we not all beggars? Do we not all depend on him for everything we have?

I wholeheartedly believe the Lord knows our conditions, and he cares very much. But this is a time to prove ourselves in turbulence, and if the Lord were to take that away, our areas of growth would diminish. Often, the only way to become who we discovered we wanted to be involves trials and tribulation. Being a Christian is comforting, but it is not always comfortable.

That's why I don't complain about my conditions. True, I lament my own sins and my own choices, but I feel extremely blessed to live in this era. The Lord knows my sins better than I do. He knows how best to succor me. He can help me through my trials if I will but call upon him. But so often, I am prideful, and neglect the source of all I have to be thankful for. I wish I could overcome my obstacles. Thankfully, I won't have to do it alone.

With that said, though, I lost NNN again today the moment I saw this.

(JK, I'm doing fine.)

Report BradyBunch · 167 views · #NNN
Comments ( 5 )

I failed NNN on the first day of the month, and I literally forgot that it was November. :raritycry::raritydespair: I failed hard. I will not fail next year!!!!

Glad to see you picked yourself back up.

On the subject of gifts: please consider being a blood donor.

Could always use the rest of the month for practice runs. Distract yourself. Get new routines. Start an exercise regiment.:eeyup:


I am celebrating NNN by nutting as much as I can this month. So far nutting 5+ times a day every day this month.

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