I want to do this too: Ask me Anything · 11:33pm Jul 15th, 2020
Got inspired by Ice Star since he's got one up and thought 'Yeah, sure, why not?' because I'm bored and I've been stuck cleaning all day. Also I wanted an excuse to push the last blog post down a bit further, I'm not even gonna bother with that one.
Oh, and I guess in a couple of weeks (July 30th) I will have officially been on this site for a year. Time sure does fly, doesn't it? I was hoping to make it to 100k words, but I don't see myself managing a little over 13k in that amount of time... I am not a fast writer. I'll get there eventually.
But uh, yeah, questions. Let's consider it a milestone event for the above fact I guess, maybe if I make it to 100 followers I'll do something like this again.
Also for today's art, have some edgy, angsty nonsense because dang if I'm gonna like the edgy pony I might as well have fun with it right?
1) That looks like rad cover art. Make it happen.
2) Since you like bugs: does spider have pusspuss?
What's your favorite story on FimFiction? Favorite story of all time?
What’s your favorite genre of story? Drama? Comedy? Fantasy? Sci-fi?
You know what I might actually have a story I could use it for...
Well I don't know about that but I certainly know some things about spiders I'm not sure are appropriate to talk about or link sources to in this perfectly sfw blog post. Male spiders make sperm webs.
I'm very bad with choosing favorites, I always feel guilty if I prioritize someone's writing over another. I also haven't read quite as many fics as I've been meaning to, so my list of 'stories I've actually read all the way through' is very short. For example my 'Favorites' list is at 20, while my (hidden) 'Read it Later' list is sitting at 55.
Chances are the fic would be about Sombra though. I guess Ice Star might count too, I really like his Iceverse stories and they've been what I've been mostly reading recently,
at the slowest pace possible.Does this include just fics, or full books? Because once again I haven't read as much as I'd like, I have horrible focus and haven't been able to read a book for more than five pages since I was in high school.
As for fics, I feel a bit of nostalgia biting at me, saying it should be a Kirby fic that I read multiple times years ago. Can't remember what it's called, I'd have to check out my old Fanfic account, it should be in my favorites.
Whoops guess I posted my first response too soon.Drama with a fluffy ending. Love that angst, especially when it ends happily.I like fantasy a lot too, though that doesn't quite apply to ponyfic because fantasy is practically their every day life.
Two more: Favorite music genre
And which character is better: Starlight or Sombra?
Could or will?
It's a meme.
Madam, this is illegal.
Not sure if I have a favorite, I think my choice depends on my mood or what I'm writing/drawing. Like if I'm writing/drawing something sad, I'll listen to any sort of sad song of most genres, or if I'm doing a fight scene or just feeling bitter I'll listen to something of that nature.
I don't know very much about music genres, honestly.
As much as I love Starlight, it's no competition to say that Sombra is by far my favorite. Siege of the Crystal Empire punched me in the gut and I haven't been the same since. I acquired my love of Starlight more so after the idea of pairing her with Sombra, of all things? Like I never hated her but she wasn't my favorite until I could somehow associate her with my own fave.
Gonna go for 'could' because said story's more focused on Cadance than Sombra but that image would work if it were focused on Sombra more.
I have like two chapters done but other stories keep my focus and also I need to write something else before throwing another (semi) Sombra focused fic up.Also I know that's a meme but I can't resist speaking of actual, perhaps cursed, spider facts. I like spiders a lot. They're up there with moths in my favorite bugs.
Also nothing like a quoted snippet of my own comment to notice a spelling error, but hey who proofreads their comments anyway, I'm speed typing these.
More more more more more more. I don't have all my stories pre-written or even close to all the way written before posting and stuff.
I'm already so slow I don't think I could handle another story... I'm already working on a Days of the Dead sequel, my brain will explode if I end up posting anything else.
But also dang I've written more for pony in a year than any of my other fics have gotten in like four years... Maybe I could do it. The first chapter of that story's already saved onto Fimfic anyway, maybe I might consider posting that much of it? And also change the name, because 'Hearts Are Made for Breaking' sounds like a much more
angstyfitting title.I've also had this story saved since, uh... Oh I wrote the first chapter in August of last year.
I am very excited!