My fanfiction is complete!! · 10:25pm Jun 14th, 2020
Hello, everypony. Firstly, I'd like to apologise for my lack of updates, mostly due to numerous bouts of writer's block, moving house, commissioning my 3D printer and in general. The Covid-19 crisis hasn't been helping very much either, although I have been supplying additional visor components for the NHS (and a good thing I had the machinery with which to produce them); but all things considered, I seem to be managing okay under the circumstances. But enough about me, for I do have some good news - at long last, after so many years of writing and editing, my long-awaited MLP fan novel "The Power of Two" is finally finished. I think I can safely say that this'll be the longest fanfiction I've ever written, and quite possibly the most arduous yet, so I'm hoping that all my hard work pays off. I haven't set a definite publication date yet, but it'll be coming soon, so watch this space.
Can’t wait to read