This story is a sequel to High School Musical
While returning home through the Everfree Forest, Locomotion discovers a nameless and badly beaten young changeling lying in the undergrowth. Feeling sorry for her, he brings her back to Ponyville and tries to help her fit in among his fellow residents, bestowing her with the name Hornette. As time passes, the two of them grow close - but in doing so, they are about to discover the true nature of the dreaded Queen Chrysalis, and how a whole species was turned against Equestria...
This story takes place in an alternate universe in which To Where And Back Again and certain post-Season 6 episodes never happened. Dark, Death, Self-Harm, Violence and Gore tags for much later in the story. Also contains Flashlight, Sparity, Soarindash, Carajack, mentions of Fluttermac, Pinkieburn, Vinyltavia, Rumbaloo, Lyrabon, SweetieSplit and ShadyBase, and references to a vengeful and homicidal real-life maniac who ruled over a certain Central European country with an iron fist, as well as the events that ensued.