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Online LoonyCon invite (credit to Horizon) · 7:06pm Apr 3rd, 2020

(Post stolen 100% from Horizon since I'm stuck at work) Given the current locked-down state of the world, and everyone trying to adjust to full-time life at home as the new normal, it's super exciting to see how the MLP community is coming together for online conventions. A great way to touch base, have fun, and learn new things. In this case, it's also a rare opportunity for a live Horizon sighting!

I'll Horizon will be joining Super Trampoline, Cynewulf, and BronyWriter in about two hours -- April 3, 20:00 GMT (1 pm Pacific, 4 pm Eastern) -- at this weekend's virtual LooneyCon for a panel on writing fanfiction. To watch or listen in, just join the convention's Discord server from any computer with a web browser, or check out Super Trampoline's Youtube channel for an alternate stream. It'll be more of a general panel, no specific focus, but it can often be a struggle to have any fanfic related programming at a convention and it's good to represent.

More details in Super Trampoline's blog. I know it's short notice, but better late than never!

Report Georg · 409 views · #Convention
Comments ( 2 )

Thanks for spreading the word!

Seconded, thanks for the signal boost!

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