• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen July 14th

Graglithan The Greater

Fear my Linguistic Might! For I am Graglithan!

More Blog Posts27

  • 213 weeks
    Slight improvements

    So, I got the internet back, first and foremost. This means I can do more writing with less hassle, and access all my files again.

    Secondly, I managed to keep my old landlord from taking all of my security deposit. It's not the full bit, but still more than half.

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  • 214 weeks
    I am having a bad time

    so, it is going to be even longer before I can work on anything proper, cause the company the landlord is supposed to get internet from is being a pack of incompetent morons. I was supposed to have been able to work on my stories and update stuff almost a month ago. Top that with the passenger door on my truck being caved in, and you got a pretty good idea as to how things are going for me.

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  • 218 weeks

    So, all my work is pretty much on hold until my creativity comes back. On top of that, I'm moving into a new place, so I will have next to no time to work on anything at all storywise.

    I apologize, but I REALLY need to move to the new place. Like, it bad here. Unhealthy bad. My shower 'drains' at a rate of 1" of water every 5 hours.

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    1 comments · 218 views
  • 228 weeks
    Feeling a bit better and a question for all

    Okay, so, I'm not coughing up as much blood as before, and as such, I do plan on getting back to writing. It turned out to be my allergies double-teaming me with their good old friend the Flu. Got to love allergies, right? At least now know the blood loss is not from my throat, as all this phlegm has resulted in a bit of dehydration that's caused some nosebleeds. Well anyway, now that I've

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  • 230 weeks
    Medical Problems

    Over the past week, I have been sick with a G-track virus. That wasn't so bad, except that shortly after, I also developed a horrible cough and congestion. This cough wasn't too bad at first, but as of yesterday, I coughed up blood that morning, and also this morning as well. I've gone to the doctor, and they've given me a cough syrup that is EXTREMELY potent, so I may need to take a lot of time

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Feeling a bit better and a question for all · 1:54am Mar 9th, 2020

Okay, so, I'm not coughing up as much blood as before, and as such, I do plan on getting back to writing. It turned out to be my allergies double-teaming me with their good old friend the Flu. Got to love allergies, right? At least now know the blood loss is not from my throat, as all this phlegm has resulted in a bit of dehydration that's caused some nosebleeds. Well anyway, now that I've managed to get into a better state medically, even if I'm still hacking, my silly little brain came up with a potential follow up to 'Her Sunset Lineage' once I'm done with them, and I wanted to know you're thoughts on the matter out of curiosity.

How would you all feel about a sequel that was focused on the EQG world's CMC, that is semi-inspired by the Totally Spies! series, while also continuing the world-building of 'The Beat Up Universe'? (I'm legit sorry that I can't come up with a better thing to call it, so feel free to suggest other ideas too.) I dug around for a little bit on FIM, and could only find one that had anything to do with that absolutely bonkers show. From the looks of things, it wasn't even focused on them specifically and used them as 'role filler', and is generally disliked by the vast majority of those who read it. Note, I won't be using ANYTHING from the show itself, as it would mostly be used as an inspirational base, and as such won't be a crossover. There will definitely be a LOT of references though since I actually spent a good amount of time watching it when the show was on the air, and despite its complete disregard for physics and science in general, I would have the actual excuse of magic on my side. (That and the thought of Discord being like Jerry is very funny to me. I swear they have the same sense of humor which doesn't help.)

Comments ( 7 )

#destroy me if you feel like it
Oh how shall I go about doing it? Lets see I could call for a starship to perform a orbital bombardment or fire the Mavor....

This sounds equal parts bizarre and delightful. I'm all for it.

In regards to the sequel to this? Do it.
In regards the the name of the universe your stories take place in? I propose 'self-punish'-verse

I'm in, even though I haven't read a single story from your The Beat Up Universe yet and I never watched totally spies.

Totally Spies! is one of those cases of "Show was meant for girls, but it's actually really good so everyone watches it," but had the added problem of "Wow, these episodes seem to be kinda fetishy. I hope this doesn't influence a generation or anything." Spoiler: It did. And now the internet is full of really really odd fetishes that would have remained slightly obscure, had it not been for that show. There were TWO episodes that had catgirl transformations, one that had some of the characters turned into giants, complete with clothes ripping into as close to nude as a kids show would allow, and one that had the same effect, but because the laser was a 'clothes shrinking ray' of all things. And that's just four episodes from 13 seasons.

Please rest assured, I don't plan on doing that plot. Ever. The CMC are freaking sophomores at most for Pete's sake.

Ok now I want to watch it, thanks you man :applejackunsure:

What popped into my mind last night as "Anon-a-Mess," referencing the event, and all the shenanigans which happened as a result of it.

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