• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen July 14th

Graglithan The Greater

Fear my Linguistic Might! For I am Graglithan!


Slight improvements · 8:27pm Jun 20th, 2020

So, I got the internet back, first and foremost. This means I can do more writing with less hassle, and access all my files again.

Secondly, I managed to keep my old landlord from taking all of my security deposit. It's not the full bit, but still more than half.

Thirdly, truck repairs are still uncertain on cost, but that's only because all the repair shops aren't open today, or tomorrow, and I gotta wait to get an estimate.

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I am having a bad time · 9:35am Jun 18th, 2020

so, it is going to be even longer before I can work on anything proper, cause the company the landlord is supposed to get internet from is being a pack of incompetent morons. I was supposed to have been able to work on my stories and update stuff almost a month ago. Top that with the passenger door on my truck being caved in, and you got a pretty good idea as to how things are going for me.

Not a long post, just letting y'all know how I'm doing.

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Delays · 5:44am May 20th, 2020

So, all my work is pretty much on hold until my creativity comes back. On top of that, I'm moving into a new place, so I will have next to no time to work on anything at all storywise.

I apologize, but I REALLY need to move to the new place. Like, it bad here. Unhealthy bad. My shower 'drains' at a rate of 1" of water every 5 hours.

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Feeling a bit better and a question for all · 1:54am Mar 9th, 2020

Okay, so, I'm not coughing up as much blood as before, and as such, I do plan on getting back to writing. It turned out to be my allergies double-teaming me with their good old friend the Flu. Got to love allergies, right? At least now know the blood loss is not from my throat, as all this phlegm has resulted in a bit of dehydration that's caused some nosebleeds. Well anyway, now that I've managed to get into a better state medically, even if I'm still hacking, my silly little brain came up

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Medical Problems · 2:41pm Feb 28th, 2020

Over the past week, I have been sick with a G-track virus. That wasn't so bad, except that shortly after, I also developed a horrible cough and congestion. This cough wasn't too bad at first, but as of yesterday, I coughed up blood that morning, and also this morning as well. I've gone to the doctor, and they've given me a cough syrup that is EXTREMELY potent, so I may need to take a lot of time off from writing, depending on how long this takes to heal up.

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Thoughts Evoked by The Final Problem · 4:01pm Oct 15th, 2019

I will say this immediately, I legit cried by the end of it all.

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SUPER AMAZING NEWS! · 12:19pm Oct 8th, 2019

Attention all! You will not believe how excited and happy I am right now!

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Surgermageee · 11:43pm Oct 1st, 2019

It is done,and I now have 4 less wisdom teeth! That being said, I am on the best pain meds right now and look stoned as all can be. Probably am and just haven't realized it yet. So my thoughts said, "hey, Grag, you should do a face reveal," ans I'm like, but dude we dont even have that many followers yet," so he was like, "you right but do it anyways."

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Surgery Postponed · 8:06pm Sep 17th, 2019

Due to several factors, my tooth removal has been postponed to Oct. 1. Main cause, was the fact that the anesthetics strong enough for the procedure would not be available until then.

In the meantime, Ow.


Updating with Surgical Precision · 10:25pm Sep 16th, 2019

I would like to say, that life has eased up and given me some more free time now that the events mentioned in my previous blog post have come to an end. However, I do have some more news as life decided "that's not enough, hit him more!" As of Friday the 13, the day of bad luck, which is ODDLY FITTING in a sadistic way, My Wisdom Teeth have struck both my mouth and soon my wallet as well.

I'm due for surgery, tomorrow at 12 o'clock my time.

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