"Aegis" is back for its last two chapters! Get Chapter 7 here! · 10:53pm Jul 14th, 2019
As announced a few weeks ago, at the bottom of this blog entry, "Aegis" continues now! I'll use the mid-season hiatus to get out the last two chapters for it and the penultimate chapter is dropping today!
I was going to write a single blog entry to announce when "Aegis" will update again and tag it with the story, because I wasn't sure how many of the readers it has will notice the announcement in an untagged blog entry, but the preparations for my new Patreon account kept me too busy, so I didn't find time. For anyone who did read it, though, I'm sorry there wasn't a chapter last week after I announced one. I realized that two chapters will be enough to wrap up the story, so I decided to publish the newest chapter only today. Which I also should have announced in a tagged blog entry, but just like with the other one, my Patreon preparations had to take precedence and I didn't have enough time to write one to announce that change.
Anyway, Chapter 7 is here now! After Fast Bun, Curtain Call, Starlet Radiance and Corn Pops, Babs Seed is now the last one to face her worst nightmare by the powers of the entity that haunts the mall. What will it be? Find out by reading Chapter 7 here:
And next week, on the 21st, the final chapter will get revealed! Which means, I'll have one unfinished multi-chapter fic less, HUZZAH! I'll see you in a week for that!