• Member Since 24th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Jeweled Pen

Just a girl trying to make it as an freelancer writer. Please check out my stories, both fanfiction and independent works! Any comments are deeply loved and you're all awesome.

More Blog Posts60

  • 279 weeks

    So, I've been kind of drained really bad lately and my mind has been unable to focus on my fanfiction works. Right now, that has been showing in my avatar work especially, but it'll be showing in glow as well before long. I'm currently working on a few side projects that have been absorbing all of my focus.

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  • 280 weeks
    My newest book, Her True Form, is currently free until 9-29-19

    Her True form, a transgender fantasy romance adventure, Following Yvette on her journey to acquire all she needs to fully transition. The start of a series exploring the emotions, dangers and struggles a transgender woman often experiences, through a fantasy adventure lens.

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  • 286 weeks
    Posting schedule shift

    So, a very, very big story idea hit me the other day. Effectively, the story of a trans-girl in a fantasy world, she's a mage in training, trying to become a full girl via magic. Granted, said magic is forbidden, at least to do it permanently, as such she has to go on a quest in order to gather the resources needed for this forbidden spell.

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  • 292 weeks
    My first book has be re-released!

    So, after a lot of hard work and preparation, I have begun the cycle of getting my original works out there under one consolidated name. As such, Landasy Reality is OFFICIALLY out once again, with another original work planning to be released coming next month.

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  • 292 weeks
    New posting schedule

    So, I've been thinking a LOT about how I post my stories. The biggest thing, right now? Is I tend to go a kind of 'feast or famine' approach. I'll focus entirely on a story, write write write, until it's done. This works well, in a way. I get a LOT of updates out quickly for a few stories. But, it has caused a few issues.

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New posting schedule · 6:41pm Jul 1st, 2019

So, I've been thinking a LOT about how I post my stories. The biggest thing, right now? Is I tend to go a kind of 'feast or famine' approach. I'll focus entirely on a story, write write write, until it's done. This works well, in a way. I get a LOT of updates out quickly for a few stories. But, it has caused a few issues.

Namely, I tend to get chapters out too quickly, and there are so many chapters it's hard to respond to things, and I focus so much on one story, I have issues continuing other stories. Or worse, when I start working on a new one, I can't remember where I left off. This is even doubly apparent with my original works, since I tend to toss those aside and not get them done, because I'm focused on my fanfiction. So, I'll be switching things up. Rather than posting monday-friday like I have been doing, I'll be posting once or twice a week. Starting next week, the first chapter of Avatar book 8 should be out on monday and, as an extra surprise, a chapter of Twilight Glow on friday. From there, I'll be posting a chapter every week. This should allow me to post a constant stream of content to all my fans, as well as give me enough time to balance ALL of my stories, original works and commissions included.

I'm nervous and excited to try this new format, and I hope you all enjoy it.

As a final note, I will(hopefully), be re-releasing my first book next week, under Melody Avant. Landasy Reality. I'm currently working on another book in the series and hoping to have it ready in the coming month(s). I'll be re-releasing all of my works under one, single name this time and am hopeful to be able to release an original work every month for the next few months, many of which have never been seen by anyone but me. I'll be going full tilt towards my goal, so please continue to look forward to my upcoming works.

And, don't forget, if you're looking for a commission, I'm currently offering my services. Bye bye!

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