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I wish there were an "Idiot's Guide to Coming Back from a Hiatus" because I need that right now · 7:31am Jun 12th, 2019

Hello, all! Did you miss me, because I sure missed me! Where have I been? I was inside of me the whole time! The real me was the friends I made along the way! Am I friends with myself? Who knows? Find out in tonight's episode of I Don't Know How To Write A Blog Post, costarring my anxiety meds and half a bottle of Gatorade on my desk.

... this is why we don't write blog posts at 1am after a long day of work. If you're still reading this, thanks for your patience.

Still! I'm back! Who's excited, besides me? I've even updated a story most of you either forgot about or didn't realize existed! So I'll link it here for the newcomers and lazy alike, and if fluffy cute stories that are updated whenever aren't your jam, you can skip it until I write something even more vaguely interesting!

EA Change in the Wind
Friends don't let friends feel alone in the world.
Silent Whisper · 17k words  ·  46  4 · 1k views

In the meantime, I'm going to bed. I've been busy with work, anxiety, moving into a new house, anxiety about money, more work, and trying to figure out how real adults have the energy to get things done in the day that aren't work, sleep, and trying to motivate myself to transition between the two.

Comments ( 1 )

I know how some of this feels.

It's nice to see you back!

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