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"Oh, but it's dead!" shouted the unknowing throngs · 3:46am Jun 2nd, 2019

“I need advice.”

DJ yawned. “Luna,” she said, barely able to keep her eyes open, “it’s three in the morning!”

“I thought you would be awake – don’t you usually work late hours?” the lunar alicorn apologized. “Besides, it’s the only time of night when I can move around freely without having to drag along an extensive retinue.”

The humanized pony rubbed her eyes. “Only when I’m working against a deadline – and I got my draft to my editor, so I’m good,” she explained. “Well, looks like seepy times is shot, so…come on in and I’ll go abuse the Keurig.” She stepped aside to let her aunt in. “Please tell me you aren’t here for some friendship problem – I don’t do that.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “You don’t?”

“Well, my advice would start Sesame Street-style: Brought to you by the letters F and U.” As DJ walked towards the kitchen, she added, “You’re lucky the kids are in Ponyville and my hubby’s out in the field. Come to think of it, I’m lucky; my life could stand less weirdness.” DJ walked into the kitchen, tapped the touch screen and left the machine to warm up. “So what brings you here?”

“I need advice,” Luna said, conjuring a large cushion before sitting down by the coffee table.

“You stated that. You have yet to say why,” DJ commented.

Report Shinzakura · 360 views · Story: The Breaking Straw ·
Comments ( 4 )

"Oh, but it's dead!"

"Oh, but it's dead!"

Yeah, riiiiiiight!

So I wonder what parenting advice Luna (Elder) is looking for? I do enjoy seeing DJ tease her Aunt about how the ponies handle some issues.

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