• Member Since 9th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Down with Chrysalis

Yo! Down with Chrysalis, or DWC for short here! I'm here to read great stories and write out my stories. DOWN WITH THE HIVE QUEEN! DOWN WITH CHRYSALIS!

More Blog Posts193

  • 293 weeks
    Slight Schedule Delay

    Hey everybody, DWC here with a important update!

    Due to the fact that I have recently gotten a job, I haven't had a lot of chances to write the next chap for the fic. Since I'm still a trainee there my schedule itself is being constantly changed, and until I have a solid one that I'm used to I don't think I can give any concrete dates for when it comes out.

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  • 304 weeks
    It Is Time!

    Hey everybody, DWC here with some exciting news!

    About a year ago I put my fic I Have No Mouth, But I must Squee on hiatus due multiple factors. I said that the fic wasn't dead, and that I would continue writing it once again at a later date.

    Well...that time is now!

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    3 comments · 510 views
  • 310 weeks

    Hey all you guys who are reading! This is DWC with a very important explanation!

    As you all know if has been quiet a while since I've updated Life at Canterlot High, despite my 2000+ word chap every week idea. There is a reasonable explanation for this, and one I should have given out sooner.

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  • 344 weeks
    About The Story...

    Hey everybody, DWC here with a important update.

    You see recently I've lost interest in writing the story. I don't know if its because I've been so busy lately or if I just don't find it interesting to write anymore, but that's the truth of the matter. And I don't want to write half-assed chapters for you guys instead of giving it my all like when I am interested.

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  • 345 weeks
    DWC Is Back...Kinda!

    Hey everyone, DWC here back from his internet exile!


    Well kinda. See some personal things came up and well, I can't really write till that thing passes. So so sorry but there probably won't be a new chapter until next week...hopefully.

    Again sorry for the inconvenience, and hopefully you guys still remember the fic exists next week!

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It Is Time! · 12:11pm Apr 7th, 2019

Hey everybody, DWC here with some exciting news!

About a year ago I put my fic I Have No Mouth, But I must Squee on hiatus due multiple factors. I said that the fic wasn't dead, and that I would continue writing it once again at a later date.

Well...that time is now!

You heard me right folks! Due to the fact that college is starting to calm down and I have less responsibilities then I did at the beginning of the year, I have decided it is finally time to continue Skeletor's story right where we left off! It is time for more whacky hijinks and Frankensteining comments together to make a coherent plot!

That being said there will be one significant change. I will be doing a bi-weekly schedule instead of the past weekly/every couple of days schedule. This is strange I know, but there are other fics that I still have no intention to stop writing. This way makes it easier not to overwhelm myself, or my editor who also has his own fic to worry about.

That being said, and this is important so PLEASE READ THIS PART! The fic won't make its official comeback until sometime next week! This is because I want to give you all, old and new commenters, a chance to write up new comments or spice up your old ones if you have better ideas compared to back then! So go ahead and make your changes if you want, or if your new take this chance to comment on a chapter you thought couldn't be added to anymore!

The Skeletor fic is making its mighty return sometime next week! Prepare your JoJo references, Neyhs, and your desire to be the hammy's sorta-not villain, for soon we shall depart once again into the head of the slightly insane human turned muscle bodied Skeletor (minus the skull face)!

This has been DWC, signing off! See you all next week, and let the fun continue!

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