THIS STORY IS NOT DEAD! · 1:06am Feb 24th, 2019
Hey all you guys who are reading! This is DWC with a very important explanation!
As you all know if has been quiet a while since I've updated Life at Canterlot High, despite my 2000+ word chap every week idea. There is a reasonable explanation for this, and one I should have given out sooner.
As some of you may know, I am now a freshman in college. And with that comes new experiences, challenges, annoying test/exams, stress, and...a roommate.
Seeing as how I'm a closet Brony I can't exactly go around writing pony fics since privacy is kinda rare. Sure there are times where I have a good chunk of time to myself in my dorm room, but I'm not exactly comfortable writing unless there's less then 0% of getting caught. Heck the only why I've been able to comment on stories on this sight and even write this blog is via my phone (so...many...autocorrect mistakes)
Since this is a thing, that is why the story hasn't been update in such a long time. But by no means does that make this fic a dead one, far form it in fact! I fully intend to continue writing for this story as soon as I'm back home for Spring/Summer break. I have no intention of letting this story end prematurely!
I should have gotten this information out sooner, but I have been distracted by both college and my non-pony works. That's no excuse for keeping you all in the dark though, so I'm sorry about that.
If any of you have any questions feel free to pm me or comment on this blog. I'll do my best to answer any of your questions to the best of my ability!
This has been DWC, signing off!
Then i will wait it's new chapters