• Member Since 25th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen February 26th

Shaded Blood

Writer of Ponies with a taste for Flesh!

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Hey Everyone · 2:38am Mar 2nd, 2019

Excuses, excuses, excuses. I know I'm sick of them myself.

I've been trying to write, I really have, but life has been stopping me for awhile. I can't even bring myself to crack a joke about it anymore. A lot of serious crap has landed in my lap and it's do or die time.

Long story short, I'm looking for a new place to live and I have a little over a month to make that happen. It'll be my first time living on my own and I hope I can do it. I've done the math and Financial I'm capable, but I have to pick up a couple extra days of overtime. The real test will be living on my own for the first time.

Let me tell you guys a little secret, I have a crippling depression. It sucks and I'm sure that I'm not the only one out there who suffers from it. Being around others helps. As long as there is someone there that I can talk to, tell jokes with and generally keep myself distracted, I'll be fine. But being alone?

..... It never ends well....

That said, I haven't had a relapse in nearly four months and I think I'm doing a lot better now. But it's more of a ' wait and see' type deal. I'm having to work out packing my things, choosing where to go, making sure it's affordable and allows pets. On top of that I just got a car that I'm making payments on along with it's insurance. The first eight weeks are going to be the hardest because they require the highest payments, after than it'll be a bit easier. I live almost and hour and half away from where I work, but I lucked out and got a car with really great gas mileage. However I'm still going to be spending nearly 150 a month in gas alone.

It's been a rough few months for me guys. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to update, I'm trying, I really am. If I could just get past the drama that has been my life, I can get back to writing and I could actually focus on it properly.

Please, be patient with me.

I'm very sorry it's taking so long, just give me time...

Report Shaded Blood · 329 views · Story: The Power of the Equinox ·
Comments ( 5 )

I know how you feel as I have depression as well.

I'm going to try to put this as delicately as possible: No more excuses. You're not disappointing or failing anyone here when you don't meet an imaginary deadline you've set for yourself. You're not hurting anyone when there is a delay. Focus on finding your footing in your life and don't prioritize your story―your distraction―over that, because when you make your distraction your fortress that is a fast track to a breakdown. Good luck and godspeed.

I feel your pain my friend. I'm not living on my own yet but I to am depressed. A month ago I posted my first ever fic in 9 years, and I was surprised to see people liked it, but then the day after, I woke up the next morning to find that someone had stolen a wheel of car. Took two weeks for my mechanic to replace it and I had to be brought to work by my mother, I felt like a child all over again. Then three days later, one of my coworkers stole my coat from the employee closet, right when an ice storm hit. and to top it off, my dad has been recovering from hernia surgery.

I am just now able to feel happy again, but it will happen for you too, so hang in there.

We are all with you.

I hope you will still write after season nine ends, I need these fics.

Never give up! But also put yourself and life first, we can wait.
And enough excuses they won’t help you or us, life is an ass we know and we know that life can make things difficult and force deadlines back until you get your footing again.
Plus it almost always results in better quality of writing if you aren’t writing under pressure and are in a rare moment where life isn’t a colossal train wreck.

We are all here for you friend, and we understand. I know I probably can't give as good a speech as others, or say what hasn't already been said, but we are here to talk.

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