• Member Since 29th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 1st, 2019

Tired Old Man

Celestia's exhausted personal paperweight.

More Blog Posts83

  • 303 weeks
    Hi there, dear readers.

    So. It’s been almost two months since I last updated something on my end, right? “Where’s the Letter updates?” “Are you going to write anything else soon?” “Are you okay?”

    “Are you okay?” There’s a question I can answer.

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    11 comments · 1,278 views
  • 367 weeks
    Returning From An Unannounced Hiatus!

    Hello, dear readers! It's been a few weeks since the last update on Letters. I haven't said anything about the sudden absence, and for that I offer a small apology for going dark.

    Long story short, family matters + writing burnout = massive shift in priorities for a while, but now I'm back to a relatively normalized state and ready to get to work again

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    2 comments · 595 views
  • 376 weeks
    tl;dw: Fluttershy Leans In

    Fluttershy's friends recommend three experts for her, instead of Fluttershy asserting herself and picking her own expert from the beginning.

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    1 comments · 500 views
  • 377 weeks
    tl;dw: Rock Solid Friendship

    Maud made a friend. No thanks to Pinkie.

    She lives in Ponyville-adjacent. Sorta thanks to Pinkie.

    Thanks, Pinkie... but no thanks.

    1 comments · 436 views
  • 378 weeks
    tl;dw: Flurry of Emotions

    Finding a last-minute babysitter sure is hard, especially when you practically have a local shaggy-bearded unicorn babysitter back at home.

    ...Wait. Waiiiiit a minute...

    3 comments · 405 views

Hi there, dear readers. · 3:16am Oct 4th, 2018

So. It’s been almost two months since I last updated something on my end, right? “Where’s the Letter updates?” “Are you going to write anything else soon?” “Are you okay?”

“Are you okay?” There’s a question I can answer.

The short answer is... no. I haven’t been okay. A lot, and I mean a LOT, of real life stuff happened that’s been kicking me down. After a while, I start to get up, then another thing kicks me back down again. And again. Even now this is still happening, and it’s been stressful and time-consuming and... tiring.

I haven’t been in the right mindset for writing anything for a while, and quite frankly I don’t know when exactly I’ll return to a state in which I’m able to write without being bogged down. But I did want to get this post out to tell all of you that I’m still hanging in there.

For those of you that reached out, either in comments or PMs, I thank you for expressing your concerns. I’ll still be around on the site, occasionally helping out with Justice’s stories when I can. But for those of you waiting for that growing pile of Letters, I ask for your patience until I’m able to get my life back in order... or some semblance of it.

Until next time, dear readers. And thank you for listening.

Comments ( 11 )

real life takes precedence.

do what you can, with what you got, when you can.

you don't owe anyone here anything.

just remember, we'll (I'll) be here to read what you publish when you get back to it.

Welcome to the club, man. There's a lot of that going around lately. At this point, we probably need a support group or something for this.

Take care, man.

Take care, and take it easy!

Here's hoping it'll stop coming down the pipe long enough for you to put your ducks in a row.

don't fret, we do the waitin'

Take care of yourself, TOM. Ponyfics are nice but you are much more important.

Take care!!

*nods* We’ll wait. Take care of you first.

I can't even find the motivation to write stories with a mostly normal life. You are an amazing writer and it is totally okay for you to take a break if you need to. Keeping you in my prayers and hoping for the best. Lots of love and cute pony hugs.:heart::twilightsmile:

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