• Member Since 20th Aug, 2015
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A British Gentleman

I am a fan of many things, particularly the fine works of Sir Terry Pratchett (may he rest in peace). After spending a long time lurking, I have elected to create an account.

More Blog Posts74

  • 215 weeks
    Too Funny Not to Share

    Good evening, my fine ladies and gentlemen. I may be a touch late with this, but I feel it's too good to pass up on. Behold, fanfic, as written by predictive text:

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    6 comments · 634 views
  • 289 weeks
    [Non Pony] Purest Snake Oil

    Good evening, my good ladies and gentlemen. I hope to find you alive, well and, preferably, tipsy.

    A video recently dropped on YouTube, concerning the vexing topic of Anti-Vaxxers. Some of it, however, featured a firm called Coseva. A seller of outrageously overpriced snake oil, it's claims about its products are mindbogglingly stupid and wrong.

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    12 comments · 1,502 views
  • 291 weeks
    I Really Hope That This Guy is a Troll

    Good morning, my good ladies and gentlemen, and a Merry Christmas to all.

    I'm hoping that the guy I'm about to show you is a troll, but, having looked at his posting history, there's a very real chance he's the real deal. If so, I present to you the least self-aware arsehole on the internet. As you read that statement, consider the state of the competition...

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    9 comments · 660 views
  • 297 weeks
    Excelsior, Stan Lee. You Will be Greatly Missed

    Stan Lee has died, after a long, full life.

    We will never see his like again. Let us celebrate his legacy.

    1 comments · 516 views
  • 303 weeks
    [Non-Pony] CERN Controversy: An Impartial Scientist's Perspective

    Greetings my good ladies and gentlemen. I hope to find you well.

    For the benefit of anyone who hasn't been following the news on the matter, an Italian physics professor, Alessandro Strumia, was invited to participate in a workshop on gender in physics by Cern, with an audience largely composed of young, early career (Ph.D students and Postdocs) female physicists.

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Rare Story Prompts Contest #01 Winner · 7:33pm May 7th, 2018

Greetings my good ladies and gentlemen, on this delightful Spring evening. May you be full of barbecue and beer, as I currently am.

Once again, I would like to thank all the authors who entered the first contest of the Rare Story Prompts Group. For the record, the prompt:

First or second person HiE, with a FEMALE point of view character

With that said, all fics have been read, and Shrink Laureate and I have come to a decision. The winner of the contest is:

This fic was exactly the sort of thing I had hoped for when I pitched this group: a lovely little adventure, unlike anything else on site. As Shrink Laureate eloquently put it:

Hannah Hawes, Shop Assistantmade the best use of the rare story prompt to create a living character and tell an entertaining story. The duo of woman and pegasus allowed for some interesting solutions and some nice character moments; and the second-person view into Hannah's thoughts was used to sell the adventure story.

For myself, I found Hannah to be a delightful and engaging adventuring companion; no mean feat in a story told in the second person perspective. Thus, I send my congratulations to Admiral Biscuit on his win, and invite him to claim his prize.

A second Contest will be posted in the near future. I invite suggestions for a suitable prompt.

Comments ( 1 )

Congratulations to Biscuit!

… Who has been racking up quite a string of contest wins lately. Clearly I need to send some drones to replace him (y'know, as perfectly normal ponies do) and bring even more wins under the Horizon brand. :trixieshiftright:

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