• Member Since 20th Aug, 2015
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A British Gentleman

I am a fan of many things, particularly the fine works of Sir Terry Pratchett (may he rest in peace). After spending a long time lurking, I have elected to create an account.

More Blog Posts74

  • 215 weeks
    Too Funny Not to Share

    Good evening, my fine ladies and gentlemen. I may be a touch late with this, but I feel it's too good to pass up on. Behold, fanfic, as written by predictive text:

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    6 comments · 634 views
  • 289 weeks
    [Non Pony] Purest Snake Oil

    Good evening, my good ladies and gentlemen. I hope to find you alive, well and, preferably, tipsy.

    A video recently dropped on YouTube, concerning the vexing topic of Anti-Vaxxers. Some of it, however, featured a firm called Coseva. A seller of outrageously overpriced snake oil, it's claims about its products are mindbogglingly stupid and wrong.

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    12 comments · 1,502 views
  • 291 weeks
    I Really Hope That This Guy is a Troll

    Good morning, my good ladies and gentlemen, and a Merry Christmas to all.

    I'm hoping that the guy I'm about to show you is a troll, but, having looked at his posting history, there's a very real chance he's the real deal. If so, I present to you the least self-aware arsehole on the internet. As you read that statement, consider the state of the competition...

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    9 comments · 660 views
  • 297 weeks
    Excelsior, Stan Lee. You Will be Greatly Missed

    Stan Lee has died, after a long, full life.

    We will never see his like again. Let us celebrate his legacy.

    1 comments · 515 views
  • 303 weeks
    [Non-Pony] CERN Controversy: An Impartial Scientist's Perspective

    Greetings my good ladies and gentlemen. I hope to find you well.

    For the benefit of anyone who hasn't been following the news on the matter, an Italian physics professor, Alessandro Strumia, was invited to participate in a workshop on gender in physics by Cern, with an audience largely composed of young, early career (Ph.D students and Postdocs) female physicists.

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I Really Hope That This Guy is a Troll · 11:58am Dec 23rd, 2018

Good morning, my good ladies and gentlemen, and a Merry Christmas to all.

I'm hoping that the guy I'm about to show you is a troll, but, having looked at his posting history, there's a very real chance he's the real deal. If so, I present to you the least self-aware arsehole on the internet. As you read that statement, consider the state of the competition...

Meet BrettTheBeast.

Young Brett has a bit of a problem. In his own words: (WARNING: Post references serious bullying of a young girl over her weight. Do NOT read if this will cause you distress)

Would it be wrong if i contacted a girl i used to pick on with intent to hit on her?

So, in middle school, there was this girl i used to pick on because she was fat. I called her horrible names, stole her things, put a picture of her head on the picture of a pig and put it on her locker, and i gave her a nickname that followed her all around school, and was just awful to her. She always ended up crying and she actually transferred to another school (either because of me or her parents just moved. I heard 2 stories.)

Now look, i KNOW I WAS AN ASSHOLE for that. But i was 12 and my family has a very negative view of overweight people. I feel horrible about it. But what i want judgement on is this.

But, i discovered her on Facebook again and she's actually pretty damn hot now. She dropped all her baby fat and has grown up to be quite doable. The only fat on her now is her breasts (seriously, she's, like, an F cup.)

And, i got to thinking. There's something i want to do. I want to add her as a friend and send her a message to "apologize". I do feel guilty, but i have somewhat of an ulterior motive. I want to apologize and ask her to meet up for coffee with her. While there, i want to make a move on her. I was thinking i apoligize and start complimenting her on how beautiful she's become and maybe make a move on her. Just rub her leg or something.

I haven't talked to her yet, she probably doesn't even remember me.

Would this be scummy of me? Would i be an asshole if i hit up this girl with the intent of trying to seduce her?

For anyone who is curious, no he doesn't want a relationship. In his own words, he wants to "pump and dump" her.

For the record, some of this guy's posting history. It's ALL like this:

From here.

Our friend Brett wants to know if he's being an arsehole. Hmmm, tough question. Signs point to yes.

On a more serious note, any of my younger followers who are planning nights out over the holidays, remember: consider who is approaching you and why. There are some genuine amoral shit-sacks out there, and some of them are a lot brighter than this idiot.

Report A British Gentleman · 660 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

put a picture of her head on the picture of a pig and put it on her locker

Seriously, what the heck. This is beyond even the regular scale of bullying.

I am generally of the "forgive and forget" side of things, and sincerely believe that time and experience can change people for the better... but clearly this person has not. Everything in his post is so insane and devoid of self-awareness that he has to be a troll.

I really hope so.

Back before she transitioned, ContraPoints did a video dissecting Pick-Up-Artist culture, and she made the point that for a lot of the people in that subculture sex doesn't really seem like it's something they actually enjoy. You don't chase women for the raw sensual experience or because of a hedonistic party-all-the-time attitude, you chase them because that's just a Thing That Men Do. You chase them to prove something, something about yourself.

That's the desperate attitude I see reflected here. This poor kid isn't chasing girls because he's getting something out of it, much less them. It almost seems compulsive, sad. There's no joy in it.

And that's probably the worst part.

Holy crap, this person is just awful. And the worst part is that, without looking anything up, I know he spends most of his time talking with people who undermine any self-awareness he could have, while validating his egocentrism.


I just watch that video and followed the YouTuber, thanks for the recommendation. Her video on Incels is also quite fascinating, you should watch it if you haven't already.

P.S.: Found this jewel of an answer from our "douchebag of the year" candidate. When asked if he was also a self-described incel (involuntary celibate), he had this to say.

Yes, but its because I treat women with respect.

Are we sure this is not really a 12-or-something with too much spare time?


We're not sure at all; in fact, it's completely possible that the described girl doesn't exist at all outside of this guy's head, much less the rest of it. Such is the internet.

That said, "I'm a Nice Guy, I treat women with respect, but they want Bad Boys, the stupid sluts" is a common sentiment online. Such people have their own websites. They're every bit as lacking in self-awareness as you would expect.

That's the beauty of the internet; where people can act out the worst in humanity, but one can never pinpoint the one who're like that 24/7, or just because of the anonymity.

Though, the "I'm a nice guy, so I deserve sex" is more believable. It doesn't make me proud to say it's because I've heard it in real life (in Spanish, but that's besides). In fact, I've heard the somewhat even more toxic "women should only sleep with nice men", also in real life.

Oh, sweet merciful Lord.

I want to say that this guy has to be a troll. I want to say that no one can be so selfish, shallow, manipulative and unempathetic. I want to say that, but I know that there really are people out there with no awareness of their own faults who treat people only as targets to be used.

What really gets me is the sheer hypocrisy of the incel crowd who whine about superficial women who only care about a man's looks when they themselves are utterly unable to see past a woman's physical appearance.

Would this be scummy of me? Would i be an asshole if i hit up this girl with the intent of trying to seduce her?

Yes! Yes it would be and yes you are!

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