New Story and Change of Pace · 11:46pm Nov 16th, 2017
Hey guys, I am sincerely sorry for the nearly year long hiatus. Geeeeee wiizzzzzz it's been a while!!!
I want you all to know that I'm back and as of this minute actually working on a new story.
"But wait! What about OctaScratch???"
I'll get back to that. I wanna do something else for a bit, a ship that I've never done before but really want to try. It's a tried and true favorite of ages past, and I want to try my hand at it.
"What's it about? Is it pone, EG, AU...smutty??"
No, not pone or EG. It's actually gonna be an Alternate Universe human story with, yes, I know, the tantalizing bits (in more ways that one lulz). For those of you who like their heroines that bring a little extra to the table, then you are in luck!
Be back real soon, see you guys on the flip, and remember, I love my readers to pieces!
Uh, you're still going to be a FlutterDash shipper, right? It'd really be a shame if a FlutterDash fan jumped ship.
"Holy sh*t, you're alive?!!"
- all your readers, right now
Happy to hear from you!
And what about Never be Alone?
Welcome back, and a new story? Ooo, what could it---
Well, there are certainly worse ships, and you're a good writer. I will wait to cast judgement until seeing your writing in action once again. I will, however, be waiting with baited breath.
TwiDash, eh? Not a ship I go nuts over, but not one I mind if the story itself is good. Given what you've written before, I'd definitively read this one when it comes out...most likely. Anyway, good luck writing!
Thank you so much! Glad to hear from you all too. And about Never Be Alone? The friend who now is going to finish it has gotten all the letters into words and stuff for the thing and it's being processed in the chicken nugget machine.
I'm not the biggest TwiDash shipper myself though I do not hate it lol
I shall continue hoping for more Rarijack content from you however! And I also hope that you give PinkieDash a shot at some point!! I actually used to be more into FlutterDash but because of the shows content itself and just everything else about it, I have jumped ship to PinkieDash and would LOVE to see more fics with it!!
It's so nice to see you return! Happy writing!
PS: Humanized AU?? Ooh!!! I love those! I'm writing one myself! Big epic fantasy fic too! :)
I'm sorry lol I just view Fluttershy and Dash as being more like sisters than anything else... plus with Pinkies obvious crush on Rainbow in the show and even them putting them in episodes all the time, PinkieDash just makes more sense to me. And then with the episode Secrets and Pies, it legit felt like a couples argument throughout the whole episode xD
ummm what about the TwiPie story?
Welcome back.
I enjoy your writing, so I'll read the story, but I will remain on the lookout for more OctaScratch. Recently reread those stories and they're still fantastic.
All hail the return of the king! Like that one movie . . . Star Wars!
That is the worst sentence I have ever read in my life.
Nobody is more happy you're back than me. Welcome back, my friend.
I hope you continue that awesome CMC ship story where the Sweetie, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are dating each other. I love that story and want to see how it ends.
I'm so happy you're back
Uh, I don't think it's going to be a shipping story anymore. I heard that GoCH has become a TwiSpruce shipper after seeing Legend of Everfree.
awwww man
Guys...guys...Relax, ok?
No, I’m not gonna do a TwiSpruce thing, and I don’t care for that ship. I don’t hate it, but I don’t really like it.
Please understand, all that’s going to happen is I’m going to take a ship I’ve recently fallen in love with and bring it to life in my own way.
Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll also be doing the OctiScratch at the same time, and the Scootaloo story will also be updated around the same time as well, so there’s a lot to look forward too.
Le gasp! The great one has returned! *squees softly* It's good to have you back.
cool I do look forward to your stories
Whatever you write I'll read, so feel free :)
Good to see you here