NaNoWriMo Week 2: Tired Twilight is Tired · 7:26am Nov 16th, 2017
You know, this is probably my hardest NaNoWriMo year to date.
I mean, it’s not hard to figure out why. Not only do I have a word count goal of 75,000, but I’m also running the NaPoWriMo for Equestria Daily, with both the weekly inspiration post and this new Interview thing I’m doing because apparently I won’t be happy unless I end November in a straightjacket.
Then there’s the NaNo/NaPo channels for both EqD and the Nook, supporting the NaNo/NaPo channels in three other Discord servers, going to two conventions this month (the next of which starts Friday), plus publishing a new chapter of How Not to Use Your Royal Prerogative once a week for the rest of the month.
Oh yeah. And I have that whole job, wife and two kids thing. That kinda a big deal. They’re actually coming with me on Friday to EQLA! This will either be awesome… or a disaster (the kids are 4 and 6 after all). Maybe both? I can hope for #1 though (please let it be #1).
I actually haven’t finish my word count for the day, believe it or not. Hopefully I can. But I wanted to get tomorrow’s interview ready and get this out to you all today.
Current NaNoWriMo Word Count: 44,222
Current Project:
On the Brewing of Saddle Arabian Teas & Secret Project
Daily Word Count Breakdown
November 8 - 2,543
November 9 - 2,519
November 10 - 2,523
November 11 - 1,059 (Blame Mono. Heh.)
November 12 - 4,299
November 13 - 3,555
November 14 - 3,240
What’s Scrivener look like?
Not bad. I’m actually at over 800,000 horsewords since I started way back when. Yeah, I know it’s nothing like Skirts, but for us lesser mortals, that’s a lot!
I think that’s all the witty bits I got in me. Let’s see if I can find something fun.
Well, it’s not quite as amusing as the last one, but it’s the best I can do without blowing a beginning or ending of a chapter.
“Why is there a tavern in the middle of a warehouse district?” Twilight wondered aloud as she read the sign hanging above their heads. “Especially one called the… really? The Lace Doily?”
Sunset snorted and laughed. “Seems perfect for me. It’s not like we’re in the middle of the Dragonfire Industrial Sector of Philadelphia. This is still Canterlot.”
“But… but…” Twilight sputtered. “Oh… nevermind.”
Sunset smirked. “Really? You’re going to let it go that easily?”
“After all we’ve been through tonight, I think I can handle a tavern called the Lace Doily…”
Okay, I’m actually going to try and knock out a thousand words, then come back and finish this...
And back. I’m done with my 2,500 (actually ended the day with 2,567). And the best part? I’m on the very last scene of On the Brewing of Saddle Arabian Teas! Hopefully, I’ll actually finish this story tomorrow.
Then I’m either going to jump into Wavelength Theorems or maybe work on a new story idea I just had in the last few days: a holiday sequel to Diamonds Amidst the Stars!
Seriously, I’ve already got a few scenes lined up in my head and they’re hysterical. I can’t even tell you how much I missed this version of Rarity.
Wow, I’m like totally falling asleep on my keyboard here. Umm… oh! One more thing! After some debate, I’ve decided that I’m likely going to be resurrecting the old SunLight Sliders Discord Server for SLS II. More on that later!
But I will tell you that signups for SunLight Sliders II will start on December 1, 2017!
ANYWAY! So, I did my post today for NaPoWriMo with the topic of “What To Do When You're Off Course.” Honestly, I could have probably gone on about it for a few more thousand words… but I’m tired.
So you can see the original article here or you can just check below!
"What? Twilight does it all the time. It might be fun! That's the only reason why it's about me and her. Really!"
Congratulations everyone! You’ve officially reached the halfway point!
Now, some of you may be soaring past your word count goals (looking at you LaWombat). Some of you may be struggling to keep up because that annoying thing called reality decided to pay you a visit. And some of you (like me) may be right around where you want to be.
No matter what, as long as you’re stretching yourself by writing more than you would normally, you’re winning NaNoWriMo/NaPoWriMo in spirit. That’s the key thing to remember.
Now, I thought long and hard about what I should talk about for the halfway point. Then I realized everything I really know about writing is about characters and Monochromatic blew that topic out of the water last week! In fact, the only thing I’m really good at is driving forward with writing. I talked about that a bit last week with Perseverance.
Then BlastBlaze4, a member of my Discord Server, came up with something interesting when I asked for what to talk about:
“Maybe something on stories diverging from their original plan? It’s probably the best time since we’re at the halfway point and I can imagine a lot of people struggling with it right now.”
Hey, I know something about that.
"Yes, Trixie? Oh, no... this has nothing to do with the fifteen shipfics I wrote last week about some random blue unicorn..."
Some of you may be Outliners. Some of you may be Discovery Writers.
Outliners are a lot like Twilight Sparkle. They plan everything, sometimes to a fault. Every moment, every beat, every scene is detailed out in precise pre-calculated scripts. Then they panic when things don’t go according to that plan.
Discovery Writers are a bit more like Rainbow Dash. They simply react to whatever happens. They have a vague plan for the general future (and maybe some specific ideas of where they want to go), but occasionally get so wrapped up in moment, they forget the big picture.
Now, of course, there's a massive spectrum in both categories and there’s also a huge spectrum between them.
"Writing a novel is like driving a car at night. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way."
– E. L. Doctorow
No matter what type you are, stuff isn't going to go to plan. You’re going to come up with new ideas as you write. You’re going to have subplots that become more interesting than the main plot. You’re going to have characters that steal your spotlight.
"Keeping track of Celestia's shipfics is a nightmare. Thank Harmony Pinkie Pie showed me her filing system."
So… what happens when you get lost along the way? Even discovery writers need to have a general idea of where their story ends, otherwise, they’ll be forever heading east (yes, I’m teasing, Jurists).
The first thing to do is consider your end. Where do you want the story to actually go? Is your original ending the best ending for the story you currently have? If not, what is your new ending? Do you even want your story to go that way?
If this new direction doesn’t work, where did things get off track? Often, that may have happened a while back. Where do you need to course correct?
(Now, for the purposes of NaNoWriMo, I don’t actually recommend rewriting sections. If you simply have to, keep the section you removed and use it for your monthly word count.)
Another thing to consider is why you’re off-course. This can happen a bunch of different ways, but I find this is either because a new idea has popped up that causes changes to the plan or your characters have gone off track, either because you may be forcing them out of character or their characters are pointing you down another road.
Now, what are you supposed to do when you realize you’re off the beaten track? Well, I usually recommend head down that new path for a bit. See where it leads you. You may find it takes you back to your main storyline, just in a cool and different way. It may take you in a totally different direction. If that’s the case, you need to decide what you want the story to be.
Here’s the truth of the matter: often most effective approach (and the one I hear from many professional authors) is a hybrid approach. That means some outlining, some discovery writing. That’s going to vary depending on you.
"You need to realize that most writing rules aren't laws, they're rules of thumb."
― Patrick Rothfuss
It’s going to take you some time to find out what’s best. For example, if I outline the entire story from beginning to end, some part of my mind says “Well, you’re done with the story! Move on!” and I find it almost impossible to write.
"Huzzah! With the name The Moony Maiden, none shall know these tales of love are mine!"
The key is to learn to adapt. Be willing to experiment! Go down that road less traveled! Maybe your characters have something awesome planned! Listen to them! Listen to your instincts. Listen to your friends (though be careful not to get too bogged down with advice).
"Beware of advice—even this."
—Carl Sandburg
No matter how you write, keep writing! You’re at the halfway mark and you’ve got this. In fact…
Until next week, this has been Novel Idea! Happy writing!
P.S. Dubs Rewatcher did an awesome post on a critical part of any piece of fiction: the title! You should totally check it out right here.
I know it is too late to enter for this year, but how does one enter that contest? What qualifiers do they have to meet? I have been watching a few people writing away for this contest and I go "I could do that." I written 50K words so far this month on my own story, and still going with 2000-6000 words a day. Feels like I could try entering that contest next year.
I stopped writing for a few days and I dislike my original story so for the rest of the month I am working on my 1st fimfic :)
Here's my prediction for EQLA:
You take your wife and kids. Kids have a fucking blast, they love every little thing they see, with the joy and wonder only 4 and 6 year olds can possess. They are angels. The congoers love them back.
Your wife is all but immediately nervous and uncomfortable. The reason why doesn't matter. You start thinking, oh no, she's gonna end up making a scene, we're going to leave embarrassed, I never shoulda brought my family here.
But, in a shocking and ironic twist, it is you who ends up pitching a fit and embarrassing yourself and your family in front of all and sundry! >:V And as they drag you off to the paddy wagon, you'll think to yourself, "Present Perfect was right. My family never should have brought me here."
And no one will have expected it.
If I may add my usual poke-and-prod to the mix:
But really, good post. I'm not NaPo or NaNo-ing because I'm a lazy bum, but it's sound advice for wordsmiths of all shapes, sizes, and time-placement.
Actually, while you can't do NaPoWriMo, can probably still do National Novel Writing Month itself! As long as you only count the words you've done during this month (and you need to be sure about that), you can definitely do it.
And it's best not to think of it as a contest. More like a competition with yourself. The rewards for NaNo are like discounts to awesome writing tools, free editing and even free physical publishing! But it's more about crossing the finishing line than beating anyone!
It still counts! I intended to work on a totally different story until the last second and switched it back to my current story!
Pfft. Seriously, if everyone doesn't already know I'm three inches away from total madness, they aren't paying attention!
Do the thing. Huh. Maybe YOU should do the thing.
Ha. I saw you at EQLA today. Didn't really say anything since that might have been creepy?
Yesterday I was with my family so it probably wasn’t a great day! But if you see me today, feel free to say hi!
Ha. Only if you're wearing your tag again otherwise I would barely remember what you looked like
Badge definitely!