• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2013
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River Road

Writing Comedy, Adventure and Slice Of Life. Desperately trying to keep up with all the crazy stories my brain comes up with.

More Blog Posts40

  • 156 weeks
    Prompt request: How to dun Goofed: Sherriff's Office Edition

    As some of you might have already heard (or promoted), Estee is doing a contest. And not any contest but a one that both expects strange and out-there crossover ideas as well as (hopefully) doesn't give a leg up to those who write stories of high drama or deep romance but instead focuses

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    5 comments · 332 views
  • 158 weeks
    The Worst Crossover

    I just stumbled across this picture on Derpibooru and oh no, it all fits.

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    7 comments · 367 views
  • 167 weeks
    Alphabittle and Bridlewood - Reading between the lines of the Gen 5 Movie

    Alphabittle may be the named character in the new MLP movie with the least direct characterization. Compared to the CEO of arguably the earth pony city's biggest company and the literal queen of the Pegasi, being the owner of a local teahouse immediately leaves him behind the other two side pony faction 'leaders' just in terms of impact, reach and presumably backstory. All we really learn about

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  • 221 weeks
    Mr. & Mrs. S.M.I.L.E. sequel

    Like the title says.

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  • 292 weeks

    Two in Exile has a new chapter.
    And it took me only 23 months less than two years to finish it.

    Sunny Days has threatened to motivate me into a weekly update schedule, so let's hope the next chapter will come out before the end of the year month.

    9 comments · 489 views

Twilight Sparkle: You're welcome · 10:36pm Jul 12th, 2017

Some years after the events of the show, a young pony arrives in Ponyville to look for spells and advice for their own great adventure in the library of Twilight's Castle. Since it's already after hours, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash help them sneak in, but are quickly confronted by the castle's owner herself.

:twilightsheepish: I see what's happening here
You're face to face with a princess and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel, it's flattering really
It's nice to see that ponies never change

Open your eyes, let's begin
Yes it's really me, Twilight Sparkle, breathe it in
I know it's a lot: the wings, the horn
When you're staring at an alicorn

But what can I say, except you're welcome
For the sun still rising each day
Hey it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome
That you don't have to walk through chocolate rain

What has four hooves and taught Discord to care
When you didn't even count one year
This mare!
When the changelings attacked who saw through Chrysalis’ disguise
You're looking at her, guys!
Also I found the Crystal Heart
(You're welcome)
To give the Crystal Empire a new start
Also I stopped Tirek cold
You're welcome!
And fought him twice with powers untold

So what can I say except you're welcome
For when I saved the Tree of Harmony
There's no need to bow, just go
You're welcome!
I guess it's just my way of being me
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
...Well, come to think of it

Filly, honestly I can go on and on
Talk about friendship and magic and silly songs
The sun in the sky and the mark on your flank
For all that you got Twilight Sparkle to thank
I went to another world to stop a coup
Then went there again to stop some sirens, too
What is the lesson, what's real harmony
It's when you make friends even with your worst enemy
And the stories they tell of my life
Are of friendship through darkness and strive
Just ask anyone, I made everything happen
:moustache: Or look at her dragon assistant just tippity-tappin,
:pinkiesmile: tappin,
:rainbowdetermined2: tappin,
:moustache: tappin
:moustache::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh: hey hey hey hey!
*Record scratch*

:facehoof: “...yeah, I don't know what that was about either. I think sometimes he just wants to brag about being bipedal and having opposable thumbs.”

:twilightsmile: Well, anyway let me say you're welcome
(:pinkiesmile::rainbowdetermined2: You're welcome!)
For the peaceful Equestria you know (:rainbowwild::pinkiehappy:Ha ha ah)
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome!
(:pinkiehappy::moustache: You're welcome!)
Well, come to think of it, you gotta go (:rainbowdetermined2::moustache: Ha ha ah)

Hey, it's your day to say you're welcome (:moustache: Hey! :rainbowdetermined2: Hey! :pinkiesmile: Hey!)
(:moustache::pinkiehappy::rainbowwild: You're welcome!)
Don't be mad but I'm giving you the boot (:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::moustache: Ha ha ah)
Just let me show you the door (:moustache: Hey! :rainbowdetermined2: Hey! :pinkiesmile: Hey!)
You're welcome!
(:moustache::pinkiehappy::rainbowwild: You're welcome!)
'Cause when I study I prefer my solitude (:pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::moustache: Ha ha ah)

You're welcome!
(:pinkiesmile: You're welcome!)
You're welcome!
(:rainbowwild: You're welcome!)

:twilightangry2: “And come again during opening hours next time!”
*door slamming shut*

:pinkiesmile: “Soooooo… how'd it go?”

Report River Road · 724 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Now do Shiny. I'm not sure on the name or lyrics, but I know that, well have you ever read Pinkie and Sonata's Excellent Adventure? It would be something similar to that, just with Pinkie and Sonata instead of Moana and Maui and a giant dragon (wearing "armor" made of treasure) instead of Tamatoa.

Don't have Pinkie, but I can give you these two options.

:duck: Well, Rarity hasn't always been this glam
I was a silly little filly once
Now I know that I can sparkle like a gem
Because I'm fashionable, darling

Did your granny say listen to your heart
Be who you are on the inside
That's just fine if you have no sense of art
At least you tried
I'd rather be...

:raritystarry: Shiny
Like a treasure from a giant dragon's hoard
I'm on board, just make me look...

Dress me up in gems and gold galore
Then some more

Don't you know
Ponies try, try, try
To get anything that glitters (beginners!)

Oh, and now they buy, buy, buy
Every sparkling dress that glitters
:raritywink: And pay my dinners

I just love fashion
And this is my passion
(My passion)

Well, Equestria hasn't always been this fun
It was a drab little slab of land
But now I'm free, and the fun has just begun
Because I'm chaos incarnate, baby

Did your princess say listen to your heart
Trust in your friends on the inside
I need one word to tear her argument apart
I'd rather have...

I'm the captain, keep the tedium in check
Here on deck, just set up some

I'm not scared of the gems around your neck
'cause I'm back

Don't you know
Ponies are dumb, dumb, dumb
They don't like chaos in the slightest (so frightened!)
And there they run, run, run
From the strongest and the brightest
What a sight, eh?

I just love nonsense
And I don't need your consent
(Your consent)


Because blogger ponies don't have thumbs. :pinkiecrazy:

Your enthusiasm has been acknowledged though. It's amazing to see someone still finding and enjoying this after all the time. :pinkiehappy:

P.S.: Did you read the two versions of Shiny, too?

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