• Member Since 9th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen July 19th


Aspiring musician who likes to write in his downtime.

  • TGenesis: Silvia
    Tired of living in hiding, one lamia pony decides to head out into the world. After Settling down in Ponyville, it isn't long before she makes friends with the locals. But, as she discovers, having friends increases her chances of getting discovered.
    scootalooftw · 74k words  ·  311  8 · 3k views

More Blog Posts24

  • 381 weeks

    After taking a week off of writing, I finally finished another chapter of snek pone. Once I finish editing, and my prereaders give the OK, it'll be posted! :D Hope the wait didn't kill too many of you. :P

    6 comments · 693 views
  • 382 weeks
    Future Updates

    Evening all! Just wanted to clue y'all in a bit on the future of Genesis, and any updates for it. I am currently away from home for the week (I managed to snag a ticket to E3) so the odds of me updating this week are fairly slim. However, once I return home, I will be working on a once every 3-4 days release schedule. I've set a goal for myself for this story, and I fully intend to reach it.

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    2 comments · 365 views
  • 383 weeks
    I can't even....

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    1 comments · 515 views
  • 391 weeks
    New Project (I'm not dead yet!)

    Hello to all of my readers out there! (as few of you as there may be) I apologize for the lack of updates, I have tried my hardest these past few months to get something presentable that I can give to y'all, but unfortunately I have been unable to get anything that I am happy with. (the hours of staring at a doc with nothing changing doesn't help) Without sounding like I'm whining or trying to

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    0 comments · 452 views
  • 404 weeks
    Late release

    The next chapter of FYB will be posted by Friday, almost a week later than I had planned. I unintentionally burned myself out a bit writing almost 20,000 words for my other story in one sitting, and as a result I haven't gotten much work done since. I've managed to sit down and force out a few hundred words, and now that I've started it's getting a bit easier to continue. I apologize for the

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    0 comments · 442 views

Soon...... · 5:24pm Jun 22nd, 2017

After taking a week off of writing, I finally finished another chapter of snek pone. Once I finish editing, and my prereaders give the OK, it'll be posted! :D Hope the wait didn't kill too many of you. :P

Report scootalooftw · 693 views · Story: Genesis: Silvia ·
Comments ( 6 )

I am not dead yet!
And even if I was, I would come back for more snek pone!
Just... Don't take too long editing. I remember a story where the chapter "only needed to be edited and sent to the proofreaders", and we are still waiting for it two years later :pinkiesad2:

now dat's a chunky chapter

Coming Soon: Snek Pones on a Train.... :pinkiecrazy:

That was bad... I'm Sorry... :pinkiesad2:

I'M NOT SORRY!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

The first scene of this chapter is dedicated to you, Mr. Omellete.

That's a yummy word count, that is. :twilightsmile: :yay:

the 80 words is the chapter outline I wrote up for myself. Kinda amazes me that I can write 12k words off of an 80 word outline.

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