I can't even.... · 5:37pm Jun 8th, 2017
I just... I don’t even know what to say, guys. I never expected this story to get this popular this fast. Heck, I didn’t really expect this story to get this popular period. 100 likes. 100 likes and only 2 dislikes. I just can’t even thank y’all enough for the positive reception this story has received! As a thank you for all the support, I’m gunna give y’all a little snippet from the next chapter, as well as some art that Spirit has been working on. The new chapter is currently undergoing editing and should be up in either tonight or tomorrow!
“Now, somethin’s got ya all up in a tizzie.” Applejack said, taking a large bite of her apple. “Care ta share?”
“Well…” Twilight hesitated, taking a moment to inspect the apple in her magic before continuing. “I guess I could use some advice. I’ve had a bit of an… interesting morning, and I’m starting to think I might not have handled things as well as I should have.”
“What was so interestin’ about this mornin’?” Applejack asked.
“I woke up in bed with a strange mare this morning, and…” Twilight started, the words dying in her mouth as Applejack burst out laughing.
“Well, Ah’ll be, Twi.” Applejack wiped a tear from her eye. “Ah never took ya as the type.”
“What?” Twilight asked, her confusion turning to embarrassment when she realized what Applejack was insinuating. “No, that’s not what I meant at all!”
“If that’s what yer problem is, maybe we should get Rainbow down here ta talk ta ya instead.” Applejack said. “If her braggin’ is anything ta go by, she has plenty of experience in dealin’ with a strange pony the mornin’ after.”
also, u got comment count dubs