• Member Since 11th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 17th, 2018

Esle Ynopemos

Was that me? Or was it... somepony else?

More Blog Posts47

  • 478 weeks
    How suck/not-suck is this cover art?

    Hey folks. Next story is coming along, despite the kinks Season 5 is throwing in its path (Seriously, Babs Seed got her cutie mark? Off screen? For hairdressing? There's no way I could've planned for that). Chapter 1 is close, and I'll post it once I have Chapter 2 ready for editing so there hopefully won't be too long a break between updates.

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  • 483 weeks
    Table for a guest, plus call for editors

    Have you heard about Kitsune Risu's new project? No? Have you heard of Kitsune Risu? You should. He's one of the most underrated authors on this site. Roughly one third of my library of Criminally Underrated Stories were penned by this guy.

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  • 487 weeks
    Bitter Harvest mini-prequel of sorts

    Some of you already know, but I have been hosting weekly writing prompts over at Thirty Minute Ponies. Each prompt is always posted with a mini-fic alongside it, sort of as an example, but mostly to keep myself writing alongside the participants.

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  • 494 weeks
    Contest results, and an apology

    This is embarrassingly and inexcusably late, and still half-assed and incomplete, but...

    The It's My Birthday and I'll Ship Ponies If I Want To contest is over! Like, more than a month ago! Timing!

    I am really sorry about this. You folks who put effort forward to make something nice deserve better than this.

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  • 508 weeks
    It's my birthday. Gimme stuff.

    I get to re-use something I've already drawn!

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Priority Rundown / Preview · 3:12am Oct 7th, 2012

So, mostly to get rid of that long friggin' blog post I put up before chapter 2 of Visit, but also to give you all an idea of what to expect to see out of me in the next couple months, here is a rundown of the fics I am currently working on and their priority, from highest on top to lowest at the bottom. Having a high priority doesn't mean that fic will come out before the others, but it does mean I will be trying harder to make a readable draft of it before something shiny grabs my attent--oh, hey, a nickel!

Sugarcubes and Apple Pies This is a tentative working name; I am really hoping I can think of a less lame title for it before it is ready to post. I have done a lot of shipteasing in my stories, but this will be my first genuine [Romance] fic. It is an idea that I have had lying around for a while, but it got bumped way up on my to-do list when TAW announced her contest for rare ships. I don't really expect to win, and doubt I would have much to do with the bundle key she is offering as a prize on the insignificant off-chance that I did win, but I still like the idea of entering into this contest anyway, just to see what I can do with it. Anyway, until I inevitably go past the deadline and still have nothing to show for it, this is going to be my top priority story.

Zecora Tries Her Hoof At Clop I really am trying to make progress on chapter 3 of this, I really am. But writing in rhyme is very different than normal writing. In regular writing, you get stuck on a part because you don't know exactly how you want it to go from there. In rhyming, you get stuck because you can't put what you want to do with it into easy-to-rhyme words. Throw in the fact that some of those words are supposed to refer to genitalia, and this fic gets dang hard to write. Fear not, your favorite striped porn-writer (okay, second-favorite. Waldo writes some pretty kinky stuff) is not out of the game yet. Just... don't hold your breath.

A Teatime Visit I was really nervous uploading chapter 2 of this story. After a handful of stories that, at their very best, came up to Visit's navel, I was beginning to think that my success with my first fic was just a random fluke and if I published an addition to it all of the people that had liked it would realize that I am just a talentless hack and they would angrily downvote it into oblivion. Fortunately, the illusion of competence seems to be holding, since chapter two has more than doubled the likes and faves, just about tripled the number of comments, and nearly doubled my watcher count as well. One thing I have learned about myself since starting on Fimfic is that I am much more of an attention whore than I ever suspected. Producing updates for Visit brings me praise and pats on the back, so it is very likely that I am going to produce more updates for it. Still, this is my golden goose. I'm not going to push out something half-done just to bring it back to the top of the pile.

The Needle Skips This is a bit of a strange one. I want to make an attempt at a serious psychological drama. If all goes well, this will come off as a game of musical chairs with mind-swapping and a love triangle. ...Except that kinda makes it sound fun. I want to try and push myself to write some emotions that I haven't really explored in writing yet. This one will be complicated and make people's heads hurt, and I'm not expecting it to do as well as some of my other fics, but if I don't challenge myself, I don't think I can keep myself writing.

Mystery Fluttershy Project I am still working on that project involving Fluttershy that I mentioned in the last priority rundown, but it has taken a backseat to some of the above projects. Don't worry, I'm still going to get around to showing our timid yellow friend some love. I even have a villain song written for this, which might get recorded and put on YouTube by the time I publish the story. But don't expect it to come out before Season 3 starts.

Life No, I am not writing a story called "Life." This is here to represent my real life. It is way down here at the bottom of my priorities because ponyfics > life.

Huh. And here I thought I was writing a new blog because the old one took up too much space on my front page. There goes that plan, then.

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