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When you have one of those dreams · 8:41pm Jun 14th, 2017

Where you're constantly waking up but still dreaming. So when you actually wake up you're not entirely sure it's real.

Me: Lemme check .... uh huh. The Left and The Right still hate me. Okay most religions are still not my cup of tea. And a few death threats. Almighty alrighty I'm awake now.... Good.

And I'm still as bleed hearty and edgy as ever!

~Hail Minty

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Usually there's some clue that i'm dreaming, but it's hard to tell when i wake up because my dreams are layered

Me: *"wakes up" for probably the third time* Alright, everything seems normal... wait a minute, the door to my house doesn't open inwards! *actually wakes up*

I try to see if I can read something.

No kidding. I have those kinds of dreams, too. I don't dream about all those things exactly, but yeah, I know what you're talking about.

This morning (at least I think it was this morning) I woke up, got out my phone, and started listening to some youtube videos while still in bed. I fell asleep again, and the current video continued to play... as did my dream, which basically copied what happened in the video, perhaps with a few differences. :rainbowhuh:

Well I think yer cool.

I have those sometimes. It feels weird.

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