Future plans... · 4:52pm Jun 3rd, 2017
So, in addition to my plans for each independent sapient race to have a zerg hive corruption event (ponies count as one race regardless of subtype) I have ambitious plans to introduce transformers elements as another factor of setting mythos, and I'm going to start BIG with 'Five Ancient Colossi:'
The Iron Bulette. (Rippersnapper)
The Bone Roc. (Cutthroat)
The Gold Orthos. (Sinnertwin)
The Amethyst (Diamond) Dog. (Blot)
The Silver Wyrm. (Hun-gurr)
To quote Burt Gummer...
It's gonna be BIG!
Might I suggest the Predacons as old war olds?
4556945 I'm already declaring the terrorcons...as in Abominus. I'm not going to blitz with Predaking too
It's gonna be BIG!
4557063 No, that won't be today. I was at work on break when I posted this.
Can't wait