• Member Since 3rd Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 5th, 2021


I primarily make YouTube videos, but I like to write too. This is where my pony writing goes. Typically adventure or dark, lots of OCs, consistent updates not guaranteed, batteries not included.

More Blog Posts497

  • 418 weeks
    Do people care?

    I'm starting to wonder if people even really care about the story I'm writing right now, Equinox Mission Logs. There've been no comments or feedback, and very few follows or even views (compared to my other stuff, anyway; twenty consistent people reading per chapter is still a decent amount from a neutral standpoint).

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    10 comments · 747 views
  • 420 weeks
    I couldn't wait any longer.

    I got too impatient waiting for September 1st. :derpytongue2:

    New story goes up as soon as the publish queue gets to it, so in less than an hour. :twilightsmile:

    0 comments · 432 views
  • 420 weeks
    Long time no see

    So, uh, you're still following me, huh? I'm a bit surprised, gonna be honest. I mean, my last update was... December, I think? And that was just asking what's up with the new genre tags. Last update before then was September. Been almost a year.

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    4 comments · 450 views
  • 457 weeks
    So many new genre tags!

    The last time I set up a story, we had... like, ten genres. Romance, Adventure, Slice of Life, Dark, Comedy, Random (you also basically needed the first if you had the second), Sad, Tragedy (once again, need the first if you have the second), Crossover, and Alternate Universe. And then Human was added a bit later before I kind of vanished.

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    3 comments · 608 views
  • 470 weeks
    Back to Writing

    Well, I think I've gone long enough without really updating anything. Time to tell you guys exactly what I have planned for my stories now.

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    0 comments · 595 views

Do people care? · 3:52am Sep 8th, 2016

I'm starting to wonder if people even really care about the story I'm writing right now, Equinox Mission Logs. There've been no comments or feedback, and very few follows or even views (compared to my other stuff, anyway; twenty consistent people reading per chapter is still a decent amount from a neutral standpoint). If people don't like it, that's fine, but the number is just so small compared to my other stories - hell, my cancelled Chess Game of the Gods fic is getting follows and comments to this day! - that I'm wondering if people notice or care.

I'm not gonna be all depressed, or go "well maybe I should give up writing". I'm writing 50% for my enjoyment, and 50% to entertain people. But if that second 50% doesn't even exist, well, it makes it hard to see what I'm doing right or wrong and how I can improve. Ruins my motivation a bit. :twilightsheepish:

Maybe I'm just used to YouTube videos where I generally get a few comments on my videos, so I know what people do and don't like. It's just kind of disappointing not getting any feedback on my first story in years... then again, guess it makes logical sense that people stopped paying attention to me after so much inactivity.

Hope this doesn't come off as guilt tripping. I'm just venting a bit at almost midnight. Don't pay it any mind. I might not even hit that "post blog entry" button below. We'll see.

Report RLYoshi · 747 views · Story: Equinox Mission Logs ·
Comments ( 10 )

It's becoming far more difficult to get noticed on Fimfiction, or on the internet in general. but I fully understand feeling frustrated; I mean if you write something and no one reads it, all you have are your words. They may as well not exist except in your mind. Sorry, *hugs* but I've been quite, quite busy XD :twilightoops:

4198319 I'm more confused because I (don't mean to sound like I'm bragging) had some really popular stories before my hiatus. George R.R. Martin has huge hiatuses between his books, but he still has consistent readers. :derpytongue2:

4198590 How long was your hiatus?

4198904 A year and a half.

4198945 Eh..... that might be the cause.

4199641 I'd normally accept that, but my older stories are still getting follows, views, comments, and likes, and I'm still getting new watchers. Just confuses me how my old, finished or dead stories still get attention but my new ongoing one is more or less ignored.

4199791 Maybe it's because of coverart?

4199844 Unfortunately not much I can do about that, since unlike many writers, I don't want to just grab something from Google Images to use.

4199874 You could commission artwork

4199921 That kind of loops around to the fact that, as I'm not rich, it's not worth paying money and commissioning artwork for a story unless I know people will read it. :twilightsheepish:

Um, how is anyone going to see this story if they can't access it without a password?

I unpublished the story a while ago (and a long time after I made this post). Planning to start fresh if I get back to writing on this site.

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