• Member Since 30th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


I'm a mixed basket. Check me out!

More Blog Posts12

  • 13 weeks
    I AM BACK... again.

    Well... this is embarrassing. Hello everyone. Remember me? I am not dead or anything.
    That last two blog post I made, I admit I completely failed to deliver on promises featured inside them.
    I posted here last 6 years ago. 6! I can't believe how long it has been since then. The FIM series is finished, and the Netflix series is finished (as far as we know).

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    0 comments · 86 views
  • 307 weeks

    Wow. How long has it been since I posted on this site?! I guess I'm just not as quick to finishing these things as I used to be.
    Nonetheless, I have recently submitted a new Sex-Ed Playdate story that I am now waiting to be approved. Be on the lookout for it soon.

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    0 comments · 519 views
  • 335 weeks
    What's ahead...

    Finally! I've finished all of the stories that I had been currently working on for more than a year. New, drastic changes in your life can do that to ya! So now that I'm finally done with all of that, what next?

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    1 comments · 412 views
  • 357 weeks
    I'M BAAAAAAAAAACK... again.

    Man... its been quite a while. A lot of things have been going on with me that became more important than working on my stories. That and having a serious case of writer's block. Put it all together and you have me not making any post for a long.

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    1 comments · 389 views
  • 389 weeks
    Hello once again!

    Hello! It's me, AngelShy24! I don't konw how many of my followers will notis this post, but I hope its enough. I'm sure that you all know that it has been quite a while since I posted anything. Well... the reason is simple. My life became busy. Since last October, I've been dealing with some personal bussiness with my family that is still going on today. That along with my recent job and other

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    3 comments · 498 views

The Times they are a Changeling. · 2:23am Aug 21st, 2016

Anyone here see the new Pony episode?! Wait, what am I saying? Everyone on this site probably has! This was hands down one of the best episodes of this season; and possibly one of the best of the series! But after watching this episode, it brings me back to my Changeling story, "A Different Love for a Change... ling." This story was made ever since the Canterlot wedding episode. It was my take of a possible continuing story from that. But now that this new episode has premiered, I can offically mark my story and its short sequel in the alternate universe catergory. With this being the canon story, I have no choice. But that's no problem, my story is still awesome!
But tell me; how did you like the episode? Was it as good as you may thought it was? The only way for it to be more of a coincidence for me is if the Changeling was a female like the one in my story.
Plus... Spike sung... a solo... as in by himself! He sounded so beautiful!
"I know. I'm that impressive."
Well, heres to more awesome episodes; and I hope we see more from this Changeling character in the future!

Comments ( 3 )

Spike singing

I broke
Enough said.:heart:

My opinion is that Spike is the worst character in the show and he ruins every episode he touches, but that's just my opinion.

I like the ep. Spike's a good character with a lot of potential; potential that's been explored with these two episodes from S6 centered around him.

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